
How to open the corresponding marker infowindow when click on a list item

我有一个要绑定到地图标记的位置项列表(作为 <li> 元素),以便在单击 <li> 元素时打开相应的信息窗口.这是代码:

/* This import the static locations .js file for the default markers */
import { StaticLocations } from "./StaticLocations";

let map;
let markers = [];

class App extends Component {
state = {
  locations: StaticLocations,
  map: {},
  filterQuery: "",
  mapInitialization: true,
  infowindowOpen: false,
  venuesList: [],
  foundVenues: [],
  hamburgerToggled: false,  // Set initial hamburger menu state


initMap() {
const initialCenter = new window.google.maps.LatLng( 45.438384, 10.991622 );
let mapOptions = {
  zoom: 14,
  center:  initialCenter,
  styles: MapStyles,
  mapTypeId: window.google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

/* Create map */
map = new window.google.maps.Map(document.getElementById( "map" ), mapOptions);

/* Create infowindow */
const largeInfoWindow = new window.google.maps.InfoWindow({
  maxWidth: 350

/* Loop through the locations array and create a marker for each coordinates */
for ( let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++ ) {
  const position = locations[i].locationCoords;
  const locationTitle = locations[i].locationName;

  const newMarker = new window.google.maps.Marker({
    map: map,
    position: position,
    title: locationTitle,
    animation: window.google.maps.Animation.DROP,
    icon: markerIcon,
    id: i

  /* Push the newly created markers to the markers array */
  markers.push( newMarker );

  /* Listen for a click event to open the corresponding infowindow */
  newMarker.addListener("click", () => {
    this.populateInfoWindow( newMarker, largeInfoWindow );

  /* Close infowindow when the map is clicked on */
  this.onMapClicked ( largeInfoWindow );

  /* Extend the map boundaries to include the markers */
  bounds.extend( markers[i].position );
// Extend the boundaries of the map for each marker
map.fitBounds (bounds );

/* Create infowindow content and link it to the corresponding marker */
populateInfoWindow( marker, infowindow ) {
let infoWindowContent = `<div id="info-window">
                            <p>Description here</p>
if ( infowindow.marker !== marker ) {
  infowindow.marker = marker;
  infowindow.setContent( infoWindowContent );
  infowindow.open( map, marker );

render() {

/* Destructure state variables for readability */
const { hamburgerToggled, foundVenues, locations } = this.state;

return (

  <div id="app-container" role="main">

    {/* Display an error message if there was a probolem with the API call */}
    <div id="display-error-field"></div>

     {/* Header component */}
     <Header />

      <main className="main-map">

      {/* Side menu */} 
      <aside className = { hamburgerToggled ? "hamburger-show" : "hamburger-hide" }>

        <div id="list-wrapper">

          {/* Input component */}

下面是我想要 link 到标记的位置列表:当我单击位置列表项时,地图应该聚焦在相应的标记上并打开信息窗口。

          <ul id="list-aside">
            { locations.map(( location, index ) => {
              return (
                key = { index }
                onClick = { () => alert( "clicked on " + location.locationName ) }
                >{ location.locationName }</li>

    {/* Map component */}
    <section className="map-container">
      <Map />


P.s.: 这是 StaticLocations 文件,其坐标被获取以显示默认标记:

export const StaticLocations = [{
locationCoords: {
  lat: 45.42422,
  lng: 10.991686
locationName: "Mizuki Lounge Restaurant",
locationId: "5952389dccad6b171c8d3e58",
address: "",
locationCoords: {
  lat: 45.448458542692556,
  lng: 11.00220835305019
locationName: "TeodoricoRe Restaurant Bar Verona",
locationId: "4dcee64f45ddbe15f8956f72",
address: ""
locationCoords: {
  lat: 45.438385,
  lng: 10.991622
locationName: "Hotel Montemezzi Restaurant",
locationId: "59c1f834a2a6ce4762f1de1e",
address: ""
locationCoords: {
  lat: 45.44499306798319,
  lng: 10.998014420366752
locationName: "AMO Opera Restaurant",
locationId: "52630778498ef9cb50326fb7",
address: ""
locationCoords: {
  lat: 45.44232305284876,
  lng: 10.99606990814209
locationName: "Sun Restaurant",
locationId: "5590d1da498e4edbe573034b",
address: ""



when I click on the locations list items, the map should focus on the corresponding marker and open the infowindow.


a) 引入selectedItem将选中的列表项存储在组件状态中,并在单击li后更新一次:

  state = {
    selectedItem: null

  showInfo(e, id) {
    let result = data.find(item => {
      return item.locationId === id;
    this.setState({ "selectedItem": result });

b) 将 selectedItem 值作为 prop 传递给 Map 组件以显示信息 window:

render() {
    return (
          {data.map((item, index) => {
            return <li key={index} onClick={e => this.showInfo(e, item.locationId)}>{item.locationName}</li>;

          <Map center={{ lat: 45.438384, lng: 10.991622 }} zoom={14} data={data} selectedItem={this.state.selectedItem} />

c) 在 Map 组件中找到每个选定项目的相应标记并显示信息 window:

componentDidUpdate() {
    if (this.props.selectedItem) {
        //1. find selecter marker object
        let selectedMarker = this.markers.find(m => {
            return m.id === this.props.selectedItem.locationId;
        //2.show info window goes here...
