如何在 SML 中模式匹配 0.0?

How to pattern match 0.0 in SML?


datatype complex = RealImg of real * real | Infinity;

fun divisionComplex(RealImg(a, b), RealImg(0.0, 0.0)) = Infinity
fun divisionComplex(RealImg(a, b), RealImg(c, d)) =
    RealImg ((a * c + b * d) / (c * c + d * d), ((b * c) - (a * d))/ (c* c + d * d))


Error: syntax error: inserting  EQUALOP

我很困惑。为什么会这样?我知道我无法比较 SML 中的两个实数,但我应该如何与 0 进行模式匹配?

正如您所说,SML 不允许对实数进行模式匹配,但建议改用 Real.== 或将这些数字与某个增量进行比较。

为此仅使用一个 if 语句怎么样? (还添加了一些 Infinity 个案例,只是为了使与函数参数的匹配详尽无遗,但请随意更改它,因为它不会假装正确)

datatype complex = RealImg of real * real | Infinity;

fun divisionComplex(Infinity, _) = Infinity
  | divisionComplex(_, Infinity) = Infinity
  | divisionComplex(RealImg(a, b), RealImg(c, d)) =
    if Real.== (c, 0.0) andalso Real.== (d, 0.0)
    then Infinity
      RealImg ((a * c + b * d) / (c * c + d * d), ((b * c) - (a * d))/ (c* c + d * d))