DBpedia ontology 和 DBpedia 映射的区别

Difference DBpedia ontology and DBpedia mapping

我正在尝试使用 DBpedia 进行一些日期挖掘。现在我有一个具有 DBpedia ontology 和 DBpedia 映射属性的数据集,我不确定这两者之间的区别。

DBpedia ontology 和 DBpedia 映射有什么区别?

简而言之,DBpedia 是语义网社区非常有价值的资源,但与 Wikipedia 相比,它是相当小的。此外,由于不同人对维基百科的贡献,信息框信息并不统一。因此,创建了一种映射语言来定义信息框关系和 DBpedia 属性之间的同义词。

One of the challenges in extracting information from Wikipedia is that the same concepts can be expressed using different parameters in infobox and other templates, such as |birthplace= and |placeofbirth=. Because of this, queries about where people were born would have to search for both of these properties in order to get more complete results. As a result, the DBpedia Mapping Language has been developed to help in mapping these properties to an ontology while reducing the number of synonyms. Due to the large diversity of infoboxes and properties in use on Wikipedia, the process of developing and improving these mappings has been opened to public contributions.