**kwargs 在 mpi4py MPIPoolExecutor 中不起作用

**kwargs not working in mpi4py MPIPoolExecutor

mpi4py 文档声称您可以通过 MPIPoolExecutor 传递 **kwargs,但我无法让它工作。我执行以下代码:

import time
import socket
import numpy as np
from mpi4py.futures import MPIPoolExecutor
from mpi4py import MPI

def print_val(x, kwargsstr):
    msg = "x value: " + str(x) + \
        ", socket: " + str(socket.gethostname()) + \
        ", rank: " + str(MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()) + \
        ", time: " + str(np.round(time.time(), 1)) + \
        ", kwargs string: " + kwargsstr

    return x

def main():

    kwarg = 'test'
    kwargs = {'kwargsstr':kwarg}

    with MPIPoolExecutor() as executor:
        x_v = []
        # for res in executor.map(print_val,
        #                         range(9), 9*[kwarg]):
        for res in executor.map(print_val,
                                range(9), **kwargs):
            x_v += [res]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    run on command line with 1 scheduler and 2 workers:
    $ mpiexec -n 1 -usize 3 -machinefile hostfile.txt python mpi4py_kwargs.py



$ mpiexec -n 1 -usize 3 -machinefile hostfile.txt python mpi4py_kwargs.py


TypeError: print_val() missing 1 required positional argument: 'kwargsstr'

请注意,当切换 main 中注释掉的部分时,代码会按预期运行。

我认为 map 不支持 kwargs。让我们来看看 source code

map 确实在其签名中使用了 kwargs

def map(self, fn, *iterables, **kwargs):

这是文档中关于 kwargs 个参数的内容:

Keyword Args:
  unordered: If ``True``, yield results out-of-order, as completed.

关键字参数(不包括 unordered)是否会传递给可调用对象并不明显。我们继续。使用以下方法完成实施:

iterable = getattr(itertools, 'izip', zip)(*iterables)
return self.starmap(fn, iterable, **kwargs)

因此,kwargs 被转发到 starmap:

def starmap(self, fn, iterable, timeout=None, chunksize=1, **kwargs):


Keyword Args:
  unordered: If ``True``, yield results out-of-order, as completed.


unordered = kwargs.pop('unordered', False)
if chunksize < 1:
    raise ValueError("chunksize must be >= 1.")
if chunksize == 1:
    return _starmap_helper(self.submit, fn, iterable,
                           timeout, unordered)
    return _starmap_chunks(self.submit, fn, iterable,
                           timeout, unordered, chunksize)

显然,一旦检索到 unordered,就不会再使用 kwargs。因此,map 不将 kwargs 视为可调用的 kwargs。


for res in executor.map(print_val, range(9), [kwarg] * 9):

作为 map 的第二个参数记录为:

iterables: Iterables yielding positional arguments to be passed to
           the callable.

对于 python 的新用户:

>>> kwarg = 'test'
>>> [kwarg] * 9
['test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test']

其中 [kwarg] * 9 是实现可迭代协议的列表。