使用 "opacityDecayVelocity" 属性配置 paper-ripple

Configuring paper-ripple with "opacityDecayVelocity" attribute

纸波纹动画的默认时间设置为0.8s,使过渡看起来较慢。 尝试通过更改值:

<paper-ripple opacityDecayVelocity ="1.0"></paper-ripple> 

添加 $ 作为其属性

<paper-ripple opacityDecayVelocity$ ="1.0"></paper-ripple>  

None 似乎有效。请提出配置属性值的方法。


<paper-ripple opacity-decay-velocity="1.0" ></paper-ripple>

Polymer Properties

Attribute names with dashes are converted to camelCase property names by capitalizing the character following each dash, then removing the dashes. For example, the attribute first-name maps to firstName. The same mappings happen in reverse when converting property names to attribute names