AudioUnitRender Error -50 含义
AudioUnitRender Error -50 meaning
我在 AudioUnitRender 调用中收到错误 -50。我的音频单元只是一个从麦克风获取样本的 RemoteIO 单元。错误-50是什么意思?
let status = AudioUnitRender(controller.audioUnit!, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inNumberFrames, listPtr)
if noErr != status {
print("Error \(status)");
fatalError("Render status \(status)")
// return status;
-50 (kAudio_ParamError
的一个常见错误是传递带有错误数量 mNumberBuffers
的 AudioBufferList
(您可能正在录制非交错立体声)或 AudioBuffer
s 本身可能尺寸错误或通道数量错误。
明确设置它们时,我就会遇到这个问题AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &streamFormatIActuallyWant, UInt32(MemoryLayout<AudioStreamBasicDescription>.size))
我认为 模拟器默认为交错整数,设备默认为非交错浮点数,尽管这可能只是我的配置。
来自 AudioUnitRender
The caller must provide a valid ioData AudioBufferList that matches the expected topology for the current audio format for the given bus. The buffer list can be of two variants:
(1) If the mData pointers are non-null then the audio unit will render its output into those buffers. These buffers should be aligned to 16 byte boundaries (which is normally what malloc will return).
(2) If the mData pointers are null, then the audio unit can provide pointers to its own buffers. In this case the audio unit is required to keep those buffers valid for the duration of the calling thread's I/O cycle
通过传递null mData
(可能1 或 2).
确保你传递的 AudioBufferList 足够 mDataByteSize
,它应该大于 inNumberFrames * 通道。