使用 Google 的 Python 客户端库删除日历事件

Deleting a calendar event using Google's Python client library

这似乎是一件很简单的事情,但我似乎无法使用库删除 Google 日历中的事件。

在我的代码中,我注释掉了 "delete event" 代码和 运行,它插入了一个事件,然后列出了该事件。我还检查以确保我可以在 UI 中看到它。然后我从创建的事件中获取 id,然后将其作为 eventId 放入 "delete event" 调用中。然后我取消注释删除代码并注释掉插入代码并再次运行它。

这种方法似乎不起作用:我仍然看到 events().list 输出中列出的事件,我仍然在 UI.

# Delete Event
resp = service.events().delete(calendarId='primary', eventId='9c9ppp94isp15103t54mtjss8s')
print('Event Deleted')

# Inserts Event
GMT_OFF = '-07:00'    # PDT/MST/GMT-7
    'summary': 'Test Event2',
    'start':   {'dateTime': '2018-09-15T19:00:00%s' % GMT_OFF},
    'end':     {'dateTime': '2018-09-15T22:00:00%s' % GMT_OFF},

e = service.events().insert(calendarId='primary', sendNotifications=True, body=EVENT).execute()

print('''*** %r event added:
Start: %s
End:   %s''' % (e['summary'].encode('utf-8'),
    e['start']['dateTime'], e['end']['dateTime']))

# Read Events
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time
print('Getting the upcoming 10 events')
events_result = service.events().list(calendarId='primary', timeMin=now,
                                    maxResults=10, singleEvents=True,
events = events_result.get('items', [])

if not events:
    print('No upcoming events found.')
for event in events:
    start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date'))
    print(start, event['id'], event['summary'])

当我打印出删除响应 (pprint(vars(resp))) 时,它看起来像这样:

{'_in_error_state': False,
 '_rand': <built-in method random of Random object at 0x7f9ac007e420>,
 '_sleep': <built-in function sleep>,
 'body': None,
 'body_size': 0,
 'headers': {'accept': '*/*',
         'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
         'user-agent': 'google-api-python-client/1.7.4 (gzip)'},
 'http': <httplib2.Http object at 0x1051cd250>,
 'method': u'DELETE',
 'methodId': u'calendar.events.delete',
 'postproc': <bound method RawModel.response of 
 <googleapiclient.model.RawModel object at 0x1052e9290>>,
 'response_callbacks': [],
 'resumable': None,
 'resumable_progress': 0,
 'resumable_uri': None,
 'uri': u'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events/9c9ppp94isp15103t54mtjss8s?'}

如果我从上面的删除响应中复制 uri 并使用 Postman,事件将被毫无问题地删除。想法?

根据 Python API 客户端文档,calling an API endpoint does not submit the call, but rather constructs the relevant HttpRequest object:

Every collection has a list of methods defined by the API. Calling a collection's method returns an HttpRequest object. If the given API collection has a method named list that takes an argument called cents, you create a request object for that method like this:

request = collection.list(cents=5)

Creating a request does not actually call the API. To execute the request and get a response, call the execute() function:

response = request.execute()

Alternatively, you can combine previous steps on a single line:

response = service.stamps().list(cents=5).execute()

因此,对于您的代码,您需要将 .execute() 添加到删除行。例如:

kwargs = {calendarId: 'primary',
          eventId: '9c9ppp94isp15103t54mtjss8s',
          sendNotifications: False}
rq = service.events().delete(**kwargs)
resp = rq.execute()