Sybase IQ 从 table 中获取列列表的 sql 命令是什么,用定界符分隔。我们在 oracle 中使用下面的命令

What is the sql command for Sybase IQ to get the List of columns from a table separated with a delimeter. We use this below command in oracle

下面是我在 SQL developer 中使用的命令,结果是 Like Col1, Col2, Col3,..n

select listagg(COLUMN_NAME, ', ') within group (order by column_id asc) 
from all_tab_columns 
where table_name = 'NEIGHBORHOOD_ZIP_IQ';

Sybase(现为 SAP)IQ 构建于(或用作前端)Sybase(现为 SAP)SQLAnywhere 数据库引擎之上;最终结果是,根据您要执行的操作,您可以使用来自这两种产品的 SQL 构造(例如,函数)。

注意:我面前没有 IQ 数据库,因此您可能需要调整以下内容...

SQLAnywhere 有一个 list() 函数,其工作方式类似于 Oracle 的 listagg()

以下是显示 SYSTABLE table:

# all of the following examples use the comma (',') as the delimiter

# output determined by order in which column names are pulled from table (probably column_id)

select list(c.column_name,',')
from   SYSTABLE t 
join   SYSCOLUMN c
on     t.table_id = c.table_id
where  t.table_name = 'SYSTABLE'


# order the output by column_name

select list(c.column_name order by c.column_name,',') 
from   SYSTABLE t
join   SYSCOLUMN c
on     t.table_id = c.table_id
where  t.table_name = 'SYSTABLE'


# order the output by column_id

select list(c.column_name order by c.column_id,',')
from   SYSTABLE t
join   SYSCOLUMN c
on     t.table_id = c.table_id
where  t.table_name = 'SYSTABLE'
