
Aren't these two statements incompatible in N4140?

第 8.3.5/8 段(强调我的):

If the type of a parameter includes a type of the form “pointer to array of unknown bound of T” or “reference to array of unknown bound of T,” the program is ill-formed. Functions shall not have a return type of type array or function, although they may have a return type of type pointer or reference to such things. There shall be no arrays of functions, although there can be arrays of pointers to functions.

§8.5.3/5 的要点 (5.2.1) 和 (重点是我的):

(5.2.1) — If the initializer expression

( — is an xvalue (but not a bit-field), class prvalue, array prvalue or function lvalue and “cv1 T1” is reference-compatible with “cv2 T2”, or


int main() {
    using Arr = int[];
    auto&& r = Arr{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    return 0;
