我在 ANOVA lsmeans 中没有发现显着差异,但有一些非常重要的数据。我的脚本有什么问题?

I'm getting not significance differences in ANOVA lsmeans, but there are some really significance data. What's wrong with my scripts?

我在方差分析 lsmeans 中没有发现显着差异,但有一些非常重要的数据。我的脚本有什么问题?

df <- structure(list(value = c(1.693086732, 0.25167691, 1.100272527, 1.60428654, 0.908237338, 1.449864567, 1.06604818, 0.596785144, 0.652925021, 0.453697295, 0.544252785, 1.464221767, 1.043720641, 0.735035158, 0.938875327, 0.712832947, 1.701854524, 1.021094251, 0.564349482, 2.326316679, 1.10170484, 1.075217638, 1.397442796, 0.501086703, 0.675502908, 0.846651623, 1.578086856, 1.857360967, 1.194232629, 1.875837087, 1.106882408, 1.112407609, 1.30479321, 0.637491754, 1.281566883, 1.103115742, 1.895286629, 1.623933836, 0.941989812, 1.30636425, 0.69977606, 1.937055334, 0.666069131, 0.829396619, 0.892844633, 0.573255443, 1.27370148, 0.531593222, 2.782899244, 0.972928201, 0.729463812, 1.121965821, 2.55117084, 0.999302442, 1.138902544, 1.656807007, 0.545349299, 0.550315908, 2.346074577, 0.637551271), gene = c("WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "WT", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox2", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox5", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox7", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9", "aox9"), time = c("0t", "0t", "0t", "1t", "1t", "1t", "3t", "3t", "3t", "5t", "5t", "5t", "0t", "0t", "0t", "1t", "1t", "1t", "3t", "3t", "3t", "5t", "5t", "5t", "0t", "0t", "0t", "1t", "1t", "1t", "3t", "3t", "3t", "5t", "5t", "5t", "0t", "0t", "0t", "1t", "1t", "1t", "3t", "3t", "3t", "5t", "5t", "5t", "0t", "0t", "0t", "1t", "1t", "1t", "3t", "3t", "3t", "5t", "5t", "5t")), row.names = c(NA, -60L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))


fit <- aov(value ~ gene*time, df)
em <- emmeans(fit, ~ gene | time)
pairs(em, adjust=NULL)

当我使用 Std Err 在条形图中绘制数据时,我发现某些样本确实很重要,尤其是在 3 天时。我已经在成对 t 检验中对此进行了测试,这些样本在 p 0.05 时有显着差异。

这是成对测试,甚至 excel 给出了时间点 3 的 sig 结果。

能否请您尝试修正我的方差分析和 ls 均值。

不确定为什么您期望 Tukey HSD 成对比较很重要; none 方差分析中的主要影响是,情节中也没有任何明显的影响。

为了完整起见,即使主效应不显着,您也可以让 Tukey HSD 显着,但这种情况很少见,重要的是提前决定哪个测试与您的问题更相关,而不是选择给出的测试"better" 结果。

##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## gene         4  0.873  0.2184   0.625  0.648
## time         3  1.670  0.5568   1.593  0.206
## gene:time   12  1.577  0.1314   0.376  0.965
## Residuals   40 13.984  0.3496     

sem <- summary(em)
sem$gene <- relevel(factor(sem$gene), 'WT')
ggplot(sem) + aes(gene, emmean, ymin=lower.CL, ymax=upper.CL) + geom_pointrange() +
  facet_wrap(~time, nrow=1) + ggtitle("emmeans with 95% CIs")


顺便说一句,成对 t 检验的 none 在 .05 水平上也很显着,即使没有对多重比较进行校正也是如此。就像在你的代码中一样,我每次都成对地测试基因。

lapply(split(df, df$time), function(x) {
  data.frame(time=x$time[1], tidy(pairwise.t.test(x$value, x$gene, p.adjust.method="none")))
}) %>% bind_rows() %>% spread(time, p.value)
##    group1 group2   0t   1t   3t   5t
## 1    aox5   aox2 0.82 0.32 0.71 0.97
## 2    aox7   aox2 0.32 0.73 0.21 0.70
## 3    aox7   aox5 0.43 0.50 0.37 0.67
## 4    aox9   aox2 0.31 0.40 0.60 0.71
## 5    aox9   aox5 0.42 0.86 0.88 0.74
## 6    aox9   aox7 0.99 0.62 0.45 0.45
## 7      WT   aox2 0.85 0.72 0.20 0.74
## 8      WT   aox5 0.97 0.51 0.34 0.71
## 9      WT   aox7 0.41 0.99 0.95 0.96
## 10     WT   aox9 0.40 0.63 0.42 0.49

但是,如果您 运行 这没有汇集方差(或者再次没有校正多重比较),您确实会得到预期的结果,aox5 和 aox7 的 p 值为 3t = 0.016.


##   group1 group2   0t   1t    3t   5t
## 1    aox5   aox2 0.70 0.25 0.794 0.96
## 2    aox7   aox2 0.17 0.73 0.413 0.61
## 3    aox7   aox5 0.32 0.49 0.016 0.53
## 4    aox9   aox2 0.46 0.52 0.744 0.79
## 5    aox9   aox5 0.56 0.89 0.868 0.80
## 6    aox9   aox7 0.99 0.71 0.428 0.59
## 7      WT   aox2 0.82 0.65 0.398 0.70
## 8      WT   aox5 0.97 0.36 0.096 0.65
## 9      WT   aox7 0.41 0.99 0.892 0.95
## 10     WT   aox9 0.57 0.69 0.409 0.63

所以简短的回答主要是带有成对检验的方差分析与你的成对 t 检验不匹配,因为方差分析汇集了 SD 但你的 t 检验没有,但更大的答案是你应该池和正确的多重比较,所以你在开始时的代码,即:

