如何在纸浆上添加 GLPK 求解器,python
How to add GLPK solver on pulp, python
我想知道如何在纸浆上逐步添加 GLPK 求解器,python。
我安装了 python (v=3.6.5), pulp (v=1.6.8).
Testing zero subtraction
Testing inconsistant lp solution
Testing continuous LP solution
Testing maximize continuous LP solution
Testing unbounded continuous LP solution
Testing Long Names
Testing repeated Names
Testing zero constraint
Testing zero objective
Testing LpVariable (not LpAffineExpression) objective
Testing Long lines in LP
Testing LpAffineExpression divide
Testing MIP solution
Testing MIP solution with floats in objective
Testing MIP relaxation
Testing feasibility problem (no objective)
Testing an infeasible problem
Testing an integer infeasible problem
Testing column based modelling
Testing dual variables and slacks reporting
Testing fractional constraints
Testing elastic constraints (no change)
Testing elastic constraints (freebound)
Testing elastic constraints (penalty unchanged)
Testing elastic constraints (penalty unbounded)
* Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.PULP_CBC_CMD'> passed.
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.CPLEX_DLL'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.CPLEX_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.CPLEX_PY'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.COIN_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.COINMP_DLL'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.GLPK_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.XPRESS'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.GUROBI'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.GUROBI_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.PYGLPK'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.YAPOSIB'> unavailable
对于 Debian/Ubuntu 系统,您只需 运行
sudo apt-get install glpk-utils
glpsol --version
which glpsol
对于 OSX,命令是 brew install glpk 使用 Homebrew。
另一种解决方案是直接从官方网站 https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/#downloading 下载 tarball 并构建和安装它。
我想知道如何在纸浆上逐步添加 GLPK 求解器,python。 我安装了 python (v=3.6.5), pulp (v=1.6.8).
Testing zero subtraction
Testing inconsistant lp solution
Testing continuous LP solution
Testing maximize continuous LP solution
Testing unbounded continuous LP solution
Testing Long Names
Testing repeated Names
Testing zero constraint
Testing zero objective
Testing LpVariable (not LpAffineExpression) objective
Testing Long lines in LP
Testing LpAffineExpression divide
Testing MIP solution
Testing MIP solution with floats in objective
Testing MIP relaxation
Testing feasibility problem (no objective)
Testing an infeasible problem
Testing an integer infeasible problem
Testing column based modelling
Testing dual variables and slacks reporting
Testing fractional constraints
Testing elastic constraints (no change)
Testing elastic constraints (freebound)
Testing elastic constraints (penalty unchanged)
Testing elastic constraints (penalty unbounded)
* Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.PULP_CBC_CMD'> passed.
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.CPLEX_DLL'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.CPLEX_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.CPLEX_PY'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.COIN_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.COINMP_DLL'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.GLPK_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.XPRESS'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.GUROBI'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.GUROBI_CMD'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.PYGLPK'> unavailable
Solver <class 'pulp.solvers.YAPOSIB'> unavailable
对于 Debian/Ubuntu 系统,您只需 运行
sudo apt-get install glpk-utils
来检查安装的版本和安装路径glpsol --version
which glpsol
对于 OSX,命令是 brew install glpk 使用 Homebrew。
另一种解决方案是直接从官方网站 https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/#downloading 下载 tarball 并构建和安装它。