根据值决定创建哪个派生 Class?

Deciding Which Derived Class To Create Based On A Value?

我想知道这是否可能。我有许多 classes,它们都来自相同的基数 class (BaseClass)。当我创建实例时,我需要根据配置值决定我需要创建哪个派生 class。目前我正在做下面的事情,但我希望有一种更简洁的方法来实现它,如果我需要添加一个新的派生 class.

BaseClass myclass;
switch (Config.ClassToUse)
   case 1: 
        myclass= new DerivedClass1(Config); 
   case 2: 
        myclass= new DerivedClass2(Config);
   case 3: 
        myclass = new DerivedClass3(Config);

DoWork 方法中的代码 因 class 的每个不同实例而异


具有 Config.ClassToUse return 派生类型 class 而不是标识它的整数。


BaseClass myclass = System.Activator.CreateInstance(Config.ClassToUse)

知道要创建哪个class,这就是让我们Config完成它的工作的原因。我们应该去掉 幻数2 代表什么?)和 return Type,而不是 int.


public class Config { 
  // Get rid of this, move logic into TypeToUse
  public int ClassToUse {get { ... }}

  public Type TypeToUse {
    get {
      string name = $"DerivedClass{ClassToUse}";

      // Here we scan all types in order to find out the best one. Class must be
      //   1. Derived from BaseClass
      //   2. Not Abstract (we want to create an instance)
      // Among these classes we find the required by its name DerivedClass[1..3]
      // (as a patch). You should implement a more elaborated filter
      // If we have several candidates we'll take the 1st one
      return AppDomain
        .GetAssemblies()         // scan all assemblies  
        .SelectMany(asm => asm
          .GetTypes()            // and all types 
          .Where(tp => typeof(BaseClass).IsAssignableFrom(tp))) // ... for derived classes
       .Where(tp => !tp.IsAbstract)       //TODO: Add more filters if required
       .Where(tp => tp.Name.Equals(name)) //TODO: put relevant filter here 

  public BaseClass CreateInstance() {
    Type tp = TypeToUse;

    if (tp == null)
      return null; // Or throw exception

    return Activator.CreateInstance(tp, this) as BaseType;


BaseClass myclass = Config.CreateInstance();
