为什么路由到错误输出的文档在通过 ULTRA 任务使用时会导致管道失败?

Why do documents routed to error output cause pipelines to fail when used through ULTRA tasks?

我正在创建一个管道,它并行地触发几个 REST POST 调用,然后更新数据库中的 table。它将通过 ULTRA 任务使用。我正在使用脚本进行某些转换和映射,而我无法使用传统快照进行这些转换和映射,因为它们中的大多数都不是 ULTRA 兼容的(例如,尾部和按字段分组)。

我知道我需要维护此类管道的沿袭信息才能完成 ULTRA 任务。请参考以下文档。

Script Snap Documentation


this.output.write(doc, wrapper);

但是文档中没有提到在出现错误时维护沿袭信息。我在写入 error 的 catch 块中有一个类似的包装器,如下所示。



Document created by 'Pre-DB Script[08755fd3-46b0-4f3a-b353-4a0685b649c4 -- 2b2bfab7-18f7-49ab-9a98-41bf0bc694eb]' does not contain lineage information and cannot be used as output from an Ultra pipeline

Use a Join snap to merge static documents into an Ultra input document or request that the snap be made Ultra-compatible

The document was not created from an Ultra input document or was created by a Snap that is not Ultra-compatible


var impl = {
    input: input,
    output: output,
    error: error,
    log: log,

    execute: function () {
        // Some variables
        var error = false;

        this.log.info("Executing Transform Script");
        while (this.input.hasNext()) {
            try {
                // Read the next document, wrap it in a map and write out the wrapper
                var doc = this.input.next();

                // Some operations

                if (!doc.successful) {
                    error = true;
                    throw { message: doc.errors.errorDetailMessage, original: doc };

                var wrapper = new java.util.HashMap();
                // Add required fields to wrapper
                wrapper.put("original", doc);

                if (/* Should this wrapper be sent to output? */) {
                    if (!error) this.output.write(doc, wrapper);
                    error = false;

                this.log.info("Transform Script finished");
            catch (err) {
                var wrapper = new java.util.HashMap();
                wrapper.put("error", err.message);
                wrapper.put("original", err.original);


事实证明,您可以在 error 中传递沿袭信息,类似于 output

this.error.write(doc, wrapper);