Longest line detection using Hough Line Transform
我想 在图像中使用霍夫变换。
不过有一个问题。如果我将阈值从 50 增加到 150,源代码似乎会产生正确的输出。但是,对我来说,这没有任何意义,因为增加阈值意味着排除低投票行。
public class Line
public Point Start { get; set; }
public Point End { get; set; }
public int Length
return (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(End.X - Start.X, 2) + Math.Pow(End.Y - Start.Y, 2)); ;
public Line()
public Line(Point start, Point end)
Start = start;
End = end;
public class HoughLineTransform
public HoughMap Accumulator { get; set; }
public HoughLineTransform() {}
public Line GetLongestLine()
List<Line> lines = GetLines(50);
int maxIndex = 0;
double maxLength = -1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
if (maxLength < lines[i].Length)
maxIndex = i;
maxLength = lines[i].Length;
return lines[maxIndex];
public List<Line> GetLines(int threshold)
if (Accumulator == null)
throw new Exception("HoughMap is null");
int houghWidth = Accumulator.Width;
int houghHeight = Accumulator.Height;
int imageWidth = Accumulator.Image.GetLength(0);
int imageHeight = Accumulator.Image.GetLength(1);
List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
if (Accumulator == null)
return lines;
for (int rho = 0; rho < houghWidth; rho++)
for (int theta = 0; theta < houghHeight; theta++)
if ((int)Accumulator[rho, theta] > threshold)
//Is this point a local maxima (9x9)
int peak = Accumulator[rho, theta];
for (int ly = -4; ly <= 4; ly++)
for (int lx = -4; lx <= 4; lx++)
if ((ly + rho >= 0 && ly + rho < houghWidth) && (lx + theta >= 0 && lx + theta < houghHeight))
if ((int)Accumulator[rho + ly, theta + lx] > peak)
peak = Accumulator[rho + ly, theta + lx];
ly = lx = 5;
if (peak > (int)Accumulator[rho, theta])
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
if (theta >= 45 && theta <= 135)
//y = (r - x Math.Cos(t)) / Math.Sin(t)
x1 = 0;
y1 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((x1 - (imageWidth / 2)) * Math.Cos(rad))) / Math.Sin(rad) + (imageHeight / 2));
x2 = imageWidth - 0;
y2 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((x2 - (imageWidth / 2)) * Math.Cos(rad))) / Math.Sin(rad) + (imageHeight / 2));
//x = (r - y Math.Sin(t)) / Math.Cos(t);
y1 = 0;
x1 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((y1 - (imageHeight / 2)) * Math.Sin(rad))) / Math.Cos(rad) + (imageWidth / 2));
y2 = imageHeight - 0;
x2 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((y2 - (imageHeight / 2)) * Math.Sin(rad))) / Math.Cos(rad) + (imageWidth / 2));
lines.Add(new Line(new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2)));
return lines;
ρ = cos(θ) * x + sin(θ) * y
如果你知道 ρ 和 θ 你就知道这条线。如果您采用所有可能的对(在给定的精度内)
ρ 和 θ 你实际上得到了图像中可能存在的所有可能的线条。那是什么
Map[ρ, θ ]
家商店。如果希望角度的精度为 1 度,则需要 180 列。对于 ρ,可能的最大距离是图像的对角线长度。所以取一个像素精度,行数可以是图像的对角线长度。但是不是你的
int maxTheta = 180;
int houghHeight = (int)( Math.Sqrt( 2 ) * Math.Max( imgWidth, imgHeight ) ) / 2;
int doubleHoughHeight = houghHeight * 2;
图像的每个点都映射到 Map 数组:
ρ θ number of points in that line( pair (ρ, θ) )
Map 0 0 num0
0 1 num1
0 2 num2
. . .
. . .
doubleHoughHeight – 1 179 numN
//Is this point a local maxima (9x9)
int peak = Accumulator[ rho, theta ];
for( int ly = -4; ly <= 4; ly++ ) {
for( int lx = -4; lx <= 4; lx++ ) {
if( ( ly + rho >= 0 && ly + rho < houghWidth ) && ( lx + theta >= 0 && lx + theta < houghHeight ) ) {
if( (int)Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ] > peak ) {
peak = Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ];
ly = lx = 5;
if( peak > (int)Accumulator[ rho, theta ] )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
if( theta >= 45 && theta <= 135 ) {
//y = (r - x Math.Cos(t)) / Math.Sin(t)
x1 = 0;
y1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x1 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
x2 = imageWidth - 0;
y2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x2 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
else {
//x = (r - y Math.Sin(t)) / Math.Cos(t);
y1 = 0;
x1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y1 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
y2 = imageHeight - 0;
x2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y2 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
lines.Add( new Line( new Point( x1, y1 ), new Point( x2, y2 ) ) );
您的代码工作正常,但它不计算实际长度。我找到的一个解决方案是存储 2D Map 数组每个位置的所有点。在
你的 HoughMap.cs:
public List<Point>[] lstPnts { get; set; }
public void Compute() {
if( Image != null ) {
Map = new int[ doubleHoughHeight, maxTheta ];
//Add this code////////////////////////////////////////////////
//lstPnts is an doubleHoughHeight * maxTheta size array of list Points
lstPnts = new List<Point>[ doubleHoughHeight * maxTheta ];
for(int i = 0; i < doubleHoughHeight * maxTheta; i++ ) {
lstPnts[ i ] = new List<Point>();
if( ( rho > 0 ) && ( rho <= Map.GetLength( 0 ) ) ) {
Map[ rho, theta ]++;
//Add this line of code////////////////////////////////////////
lstPnts[ rho * maxTheta + theta ].Add( new Point( x, y ) );
public List<Line> GetLines( int threshold ) {
if( Accumulator == null ) {
throw new Exception( "HoughMap is null" );
int houghWidth = Accumulator.Width;
int houghHeight = Accumulator.Height;
int imageWidth = Accumulator.Image.GetLength( 0 );
int imageHeight = Accumulator.Image.GetLength( 1 );
List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
if( Accumulator == null )
return lines;
for( int rho = 0; rho < houghWidth; rho++ ) {
for( int theta = 0; theta < houghHeight; theta++ ) {
if( (int)Accumulator[ rho, theta ] > threshold ) {
//Is this point a local maxima (9x9)
int peak = Accumulator[ rho, theta ];
int dd = 10;
for( int ly = -dd; ly <= dd; ly++ ) {
for( int lx = -dd; lx <= dd; lx++ ) {
if( ( ly + rho >= 0 && ly + rho < houghWidth ) && ( lx + theta >= 0 && lx + theta < houghHeight ) ) {
if( (int)Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ] > peak ) {
peak = Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ];
ly = lx = dd + 1;
if( peak > (int)Accumulator[ rho, theta ] )
//Map[ rho, theta ] contains these points -> lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ].
//The points in that list with min and max X coordinate are the Start and End ones
int x1 = houghWidth, y1 = 0, x2 = -1, y2 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ].Count; i++ ) {
if( Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X > x2 ) {
x2 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X;
y2 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].Y;
if( Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X < x1 ) {
x1 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X;
y1 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].Y;
//Remove this code
/*int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
if( theta >= 45 && theta <= 135 ) {
//y = (r - x Math.Cos(t)) / Math.Sin(t)
x1 = 0;
y1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x1 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
x2 = imageWidth - 0;
y2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x2 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
else {
//x = (r - y Math.Sin(t)) / Math.Cos(t);
y1 = 0;
x1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y1 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
y2 = imageHeight - 0;
x2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y2 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
lines.Add( new Line( new Point( x1, y1 ), new Point( x2, y2 ) ) );
return lines;
不过有一个问题。如果我将阈值从 50 增加到 150,源代码似乎会产生正确的输出。但是,对我来说,这没有任何意义,因为增加阈值意味着排除低投票行。
public class Line
public Point Start { get; set; }
public Point End { get; set; }
public int Length
return (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(End.X - Start.X, 2) + Math.Pow(End.Y - Start.Y, 2)); ;
public Line()
public Line(Point start, Point end)
Start = start;
End = end;
public class HoughLineTransform
public HoughMap Accumulator { get; set; }
public HoughLineTransform() {}
public Line GetLongestLine()
List<Line> lines = GetLines(50);
int maxIndex = 0;
double maxLength = -1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
if (maxLength < lines[i].Length)
maxIndex = i;
maxLength = lines[i].Length;
return lines[maxIndex];
public List<Line> GetLines(int threshold)
if (Accumulator == null)
throw new Exception("HoughMap is null");
int houghWidth = Accumulator.Width;
int houghHeight = Accumulator.Height;
int imageWidth = Accumulator.Image.GetLength(0);
int imageHeight = Accumulator.Image.GetLength(1);
List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
if (Accumulator == null)
return lines;
for (int rho = 0; rho < houghWidth; rho++)
for (int theta = 0; theta < houghHeight; theta++)
if ((int)Accumulator[rho, theta] > threshold)
//Is this point a local maxima (9x9)
int peak = Accumulator[rho, theta];
for (int ly = -4; ly <= 4; ly++)
for (int lx = -4; lx <= 4; lx++)
if ((ly + rho >= 0 && ly + rho < houghWidth) && (lx + theta >= 0 && lx + theta < houghHeight))
if ((int)Accumulator[rho + ly, theta + lx] > peak)
peak = Accumulator[rho + ly, theta + lx];
ly = lx = 5;
if (peak > (int)Accumulator[rho, theta])
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
if (theta >= 45 && theta <= 135)
//y = (r - x Math.Cos(t)) / Math.Sin(t)
x1 = 0;
y1 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((x1 - (imageWidth / 2)) * Math.Cos(rad))) / Math.Sin(rad) + (imageHeight / 2));
x2 = imageWidth - 0;
y2 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((x2 - (imageWidth / 2)) * Math.Cos(rad))) / Math.Sin(rad) + (imageHeight / 2));
//x = (r - y Math.Sin(t)) / Math.Cos(t);
y1 = 0;
x1 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((y1 - (imageHeight / 2)) * Math.Sin(rad))) / Math.Cos(rad) + (imageWidth / 2));
y2 = imageHeight - 0;
x2 = (int)(((double)(rho - (houghWidth / 2)) - ((y2 - (imageHeight / 2)) * Math.Sin(rad))) / Math.Cos(rad) + (imageWidth / 2));
lines.Add(new Line(new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2)));
return lines;
该算法其实很容易理解,乍一看似乎恰恰相反。 它基于以下行公式:
ρ = cos(θ) * x + sin(θ) * y
如果你知道 ρ 和 θ 你就知道这条线。如果您采用所有可能的对(在给定的精度内)
ρ 和 θ 你实际上得到了图像中可能存在的所有可能的线条。那是什么
Map[ρ, θ ]
家商店。如果希望角度的精度为 1 度,则需要 180 列。对于 ρ,可能的最大距离是图像的对角线长度。所以取一个像素精度,行数可以是图像的对角线长度。但是不是你的
int maxTheta = 180;
int houghHeight = (int)( Math.Sqrt( 2 ) * Math.Max( imgWidth, imgHeight ) ) / 2;
int doubleHoughHeight = houghHeight * 2;
图像的每个点都映射到 Map 数组:
ρ θ number of points in that line( pair (ρ, θ) )
Map 0 0 num0
0 1 num1
0 2 num2
. . .
. . .
doubleHoughHeight – 1 179 numN
//Is this point a local maxima (9x9)
int peak = Accumulator[ rho, theta ];
for( int ly = -4; ly <= 4; ly++ ) {
for( int lx = -4; lx <= 4; lx++ ) {
if( ( ly + rho >= 0 && ly + rho < houghWidth ) && ( lx + theta >= 0 && lx + theta < houghHeight ) ) {
if( (int)Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ] > peak ) {
peak = Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ];
ly = lx = 5;
if( peak > (int)Accumulator[ rho, theta ] )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
if( theta >= 45 && theta <= 135 ) {
//y = (r - x Math.Cos(t)) / Math.Sin(t)
x1 = 0;
y1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x1 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
x2 = imageWidth - 0;
y2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x2 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
else {
//x = (r - y Math.Sin(t)) / Math.Cos(t);
y1 = 0;
x1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y1 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
y2 = imageHeight - 0;
x2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y2 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
lines.Add( new Line( new Point( x1, y1 ), new Point( x2, y2 ) ) );
您的代码工作正常,但它不计算实际长度。我找到的一个解决方案是存储 2D Map 数组每个位置的所有点。在 你的 HoughMap.cs:
public List<Point>[] lstPnts { get; set; }
public void Compute() {
if( Image != null ) {
Map = new int[ doubleHoughHeight, maxTheta ];
//Add this code////////////////////////////////////////////////
//lstPnts is an doubleHoughHeight * maxTheta size array of list Points
lstPnts = new List<Point>[ doubleHoughHeight * maxTheta ];
for(int i = 0; i < doubleHoughHeight * maxTheta; i++ ) {
lstPnts[ i ] = new List<Point>();
if( ( rho > 0 ) && ( rho <= Map.GetLength( 0 ) ) ) {
Map[ rho, theta ]++;
//Add this line of code////////////////////////////////////////
lstPnts[ rho * maxTheta + theta ].Add( new Point( x, y ) );
public List<Line> GetLines( int threshold ) {
if( Accumulator == null ) {
throw new Exception( "HoughMap is null" );
int houghWidth = Accumulator.Width;
int houghHeight = Accumulator.Height;
int imageWidth = Accumulator.Image.GetLength( 0 );
int imageHeight = Accumulator.Image.GetLength( 1 );
List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
if( Accumulator == null )
return lines;
for( int rho = 0; rho < houghWidth; rho++ ) {
for( int theta = 0; theta < houghHeight; theta++ ) {
if( (int)Accumulator[ rho, theta ] > threshold ) {
//Is this point a local maxima (9x9)
int peak = Accumulator[ rho, theta ];
int dd = 10;
for( int ly = -dd; ly <= dd; ly++ ) {
for( int lx = -dd; lx <= dd; lx++ ) {
if( ( ly + rho >= 0 && ly + rho < houghWidth ) && ( lx + theta >= 0 && lx + theta < houghHeight ) ) {
if( (int)Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ] > peak ) {
peak = Accumulator[ rho + ly, theta + lx ];
ly = lx = dd + 1;
if( peak > (int)Accumulator[ rho, theta ] )
//Map[ rho, theta ] contains these points -> lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ].
//The points in that list with min and max X coordinate are the Start and End ones
int x1 = houghWidth, y1 = 0, x2 = -1, y2 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ].Count; i++ ) {
if( Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X > x2 ) {
x2 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X;
y2 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].Y;
if( Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X < x1 ) {
x1 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].X;
y1 = Accumulator.lstPnts[ rho * houghHeight + theta ][ i ].Y;
//Remove this code
/*int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
double rad = theta * Math.PI / 180;
if( theta >= 45 && theta <= 135 ) {
//y = (r - x Math.Cos(t)) / Math.Sin(t)
x1 = 0;
y1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x1 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
x2 = imageWidth - 0;
y2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( x2 - ( imageWidth / 2 ) ) * Math.Cos( rad ) ) ) / Math.Sin( rad ) + ( imageHeight / 2 ) );
else {
//x = (r - y Math.Sin(t)) / Math.Cos(t);
y1 = 0;
x1 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y1 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
y2 = imageHeight - 0;
x2 = (int)( ( (double)( rho - ( houghWidth / 2 ) ) - ( ( y2 - ( imageHeight / 2 ) ) * Math.Sin( rad ) ) ) / Math.Cos( rad ) + ( imageWidth / 2 ) );
lines.Add( new Line( new Point( x1, y1 ), new Point( x2, y2 ) ) );
return lines;