Python (linux) 基于文本的游戏输入错误

Python (linux) Text based game input error

我一直在开发一款基于文本的冒险游戏。当我尝试创建 EVENTS 而不是简单地依赖大量的 PRINT 字符串时,我已经对其进行了几次修改,但似乎无法获得我想要的结果。每当我选择我想要的选项(在本例中为 1 号门),然后选择以下选项时,输入没有响应或给我一个错误。下面是 door 1 的部分代码。如果能清晰一点,我们将不胜感激!

def main():
import sys
from colorama import init
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style

def run_event(event):
    text, choices = event
    text_lines = text.split("\n")
    for line in text_lines:
        print(Style.BRIGHT + line)
    choices = choices.strip()
    choices_lines = choices.split("\n")
    for num, line in enumerate(choices_lines):
        print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + str(num + 1) + ". " + line)
    return colored_input()

def colored_input():
    return input(Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + "> ")
print ("")
print ("")
print ("                                                                           WELCOME TO THE MAZE                                   ")
print ("")
print ("")
print ("You have found yourself stuck within a dark room, inside this room are 5 doors.. Your only way out..")
print ("")
print ("Do you want to enter door 1,2,3,4, or 5?")
print ("")

EVENT_DOOR1 = ("""
Theres an alien eating what appears to be a human arm, though its so damaged it's hard to be sure. There is a knife next to the alien.
what do you want to do?
Go for the knife
Attack alien before it notices you

You approach the knife slowly, While the alien is distracted. You finally reach the knife, but as you look up, the alien stares back at you.
You make a move to stab the alien, but he is too quick. With one swift motion, the alien thrusts you into the air.
You land hard, as the alien makes it's way towards you again. What should you do?
""", """
Accept defeat?
Last ditch effort?

You catch the alien off-guard. He stumbled and hisses in your direction. You scream in terror before he grabs the knife, and punctures your throat as he rips off your limbs.")
You died.. GAME OVER.. Mistakes can't be made this soon.. OUCH

door = colored_input()
if door == "1":

alien = colored_input()
if alien == "1":
elif alien == "2":

    restart=input("Start over? Yes or No? ").lower()
    if restart == "yes":



您的 run_event 函数在 returns 时不必要地再次调用 colored_input(),导致脚本在等待另一个输入时无响应。删除 return colored_input() 行,您的代码将起作用。

另请注意,您应该在分配给 EVENT_ALIEN2 的单项元组中添加一个逗号;否则它将被评估为一个字符串:

You catch the alien off-guard. He stumbled and hisses in your direction. You scream in terror before he grabs the knife, and punctures your throat as he rips off your limbs.")
You died.. GAME OVER.. Mistakes can't be made this soon.. OUCH