PrimeFaces 中 HtmlAjaxsupport 的可能等价物 class 是什么
what can be the possible equivalent class for HtmlAjaxsupport in PrimeFaces
JSF 新手 here.I 正在探索各种 JSF 框架,如 richfaces 和 primefaces,并在 richfaces 中遇到了这个 HtmlAjaxsupport class,但可能无法在 primefaces.can 中找到它的等价物任何人请提供任何想法或见解?任何指向 githubs 的帮助链接或示例都会提前 Appreciated.Thanks
如果我读 a4j:support
does of which the HtmlAjaxSupport
seems to be the java backing/component. But this a richfaces 3.x tag which has been superseded by (again already sunset) Richfaces 4 which has a4j:ajax
那将是 p:ajax
JSF 新手 here.I 正在探索各种 JSF 框架,如 richfaces 和 primefaces,并在 richfaces 中遇到了这个 HtmlAjaxsupport class,但可能无法在 primefaces.can 中找到它的等价物任何人请提供任何想法或见解?任何指向 githubs 的帮助链接或示例都会提前 Appreciated.Thanks
如果我读 a4j:support
does of which the HtmlAjaxSupport
seems to be the java backing/component. But this a richfaces 3.x tag which has been superseded by (again already sunset) Richfaces 4 which has a4j:ajax