如何在 Ubuntu 上的 tkinter python 中使文本可点击

how to make text clickable in tkinter python on Ubuntu

我正在 Ubuntu 上的 python 中编写一个程序,用于从文件夹导入和打印视频文件的名称,但它打印为简单文本,而不是可点击的表格.

我想让它们可以单击并在视频播放器 'vlc' 上单击打开。


import io,sys,os,subprocess 
from Tkinter import *

def viewFile():
    for f in os.listdir(path):
        if f.endswith(".h264"):
            tex.insert(END,f + "\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tk()

    mainframe= root.title("FILE MANAGER APPLICATION")                         # Program Objective
    mainframe= root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)

    step = LabelFrame(root,text="FILE MANAGER", font = "Arial 20 bold   italic")
    step.grid(row=0, columnspan=7, sticky='W',padx=100, pady=5, ipadx=130, ipady=25)

    Button(step,    text="File View",   font = "Arial 8 bold    italic",    activebackground="turquoise",   width=30, height=5, command=viewFile).grid      (row= 1, column =2)
    Button(step,    text="Exit",        font = "Arial 8 bold    italic",    activebackground="turquoise",   width=20, height=5, command=root.quit).grid     (row= 1, column =5)

    tex = Text(master=root)
    scr=Scrollbar(root,orient =VERTICAL,command=tex.yview)
    scr.grid(row=2, column=2, rowspan=15, columnspan=1, sticky=NS)
    tex.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W)
    tex.config(yscrollcommand=scr.set,font=('Arial', 8, 'bold', 'italic'))

    global process
    path = os.path.expanduser("~/python")                   # Define path To play, delete, or rename video



def viewFile():
    for f in os.listdir(path):
        if f.endswith(".h264"):
            linkname="link-" + f
            tex.insert(END,f + "\n", linkname)
            tex.tag_configure(linkname, foreground="blue", underline=True)
            tex.tag_bind(linkname, "<1>", lambda event, filename=f: openFile(filename))

这将导致使用一个参数调用名为 openFile 的函数,该参数是文件名。然后你可以在那个函数中做任何你想做的事。


 fram = Frame(root)
 files = os.listdir(path):
 for f in range(0, len(files), 1):
    if files[f].endswith(".h264"):
        name = files[f].split(".")
        b = Button(fram, text=name[0])
        b.bind('<Button>', openV)
        b.grid(row=f, column=1)

现在您的 openV 函数应该看起来像这样才能实际打开文件

def openV(event):
     b = event.widget()
     properties = b.config() #get all config for this widget, conveniently the only value right now is text
     n = properties[0]
     bashCommand = "vlc " + n + ".h264" # this is the command to actually be exectuted

确保您的系统上安装了 python-swap,否则您将收到 os.system() 错误 您不需要具有唯一 ID,因为同一文件夹中不能存在 2 个具有相同名称和扩展名的文件!

在最后尝试这一行以在 VLC 上打开视频

tex.tag_bind(linkname, "<1>", lambda event, filename =path+'/'+f: subprocess.call(['vlc',filename]))