在 lambda 函数中获取接口引用

Getting an interface reference inside a lambda function


val hwnd = Handler()
hwnd.postDelayed(object : Runnable {
        override fun run()
            hwnd.postDelayed(this, 5000)
}, 5000)

这样,我可以在 run() 方法中使用 this (指的是 Runnable) post 相同的 Runnable 到 Handler。但是我怎么能只使用一个 lambda 表达式来做同样的事情呢?

val hwnd = Handler()
    //How to get "this" here?
}, 5000)


您指的是此处所述的 "qualified this":


这是不可能的。可以参考this discussionIs the “this” accessible in SAMs?

this in a lambda refers to the instance of the containing class, if any. A lambda is conceptually a function, not a class, so there is no such thing as a lambda instance to which this could refer.

The fact that a lambda can be converted into an instance of a SAM interface does not change this. Having this in a lambda mean different things depending on whether the lambda gets SAM-converted would be extremely confusing.


inline fun runnable(crossinline body: Runnable.() -> Unit) = object : Runnable {
    override fun run() = body()


hwnd.postDelayed(runnable { hwnd.postDelayed(this, 5000) }, 5000)

由于默认的 lambda 转换为您提供带有 () -> Unit 签名的 lambda,这意味着底层 Runnable 是完全隐藏的。

您必须处理手动对象创建,或者编写一个包装器扩展函数来使用具有另一个签名的 lambda:

// custom extension function for handler
inline fun Handler.postDelayed(delayMilis: Long, crossinline runnable: (Runnable) -> Unit) = postDelayed(object : Runnable{
    override fun run() {
}, delayMilis)

然后在调用端你会得到 Runnable 对象作为 lambda 参数(只有参数:it):

    // it : Runnable
    hwnd.postDelayed(it, 5000)

或者如果你真的想变得更花哨,将扩展参数更改为 Handler.(Runnable) -> Unit,那么你将能够调用:

    // this : Handler, it : Runnable
    postDelayed(it, 5000)