
Odd output when passing file stream by reference


Dean DeFino     88  98  99
Sally Johnson   78  89  82
Bill Benny      75  79  81
Thomas Billows  78  84  89 


Dean DeFino           88        98        99
hnson   78  89        82-1850860984     32742
        0         0        28
         0-413051128        48
-1608528832     32767-415228472
0    -49089-1024065536   6406657
-512190696        48     18048
     32767         0         0
0-1850766544     32742-520043854
0        48-517861416        48
-1608527569     32767-520043904
0     32767-520041858        48
-1564475392    -49089         0
        48-1850766544     32742
-514484708        48     26100
         0-1608527632     32767
`-1608528304     32767-310120049
0        48         0         0
-1608527592     32767-1608527584
        48-520056170        48
`-1850862392     32742-1608528432
     32742 479434334         0
   7491161         0        30
a         0-1608528048     32767
H<@0-1024065536   6406657-1398731262
f 673193995 5371330921477443664
DB(         0         0-1850860160
        48-515832000        48
0      2027         1-520053849
0     32742-1608527968     32767
-1850860160     32742 479434334
         0-1850860160     32742
         6         0-1850860928
        48         6         0
[-310357908        48         0
        48-520056170        48
-310356040        48-1608527984
     32742 725871085         0
  11341735         0        45
0         0-1608527600     32767
H<@0-310281904        48-1850766920
     32767-1850767776     32742
         0         0-1850860808
         0-515832000        48
@@           786         1         0
        48-1608527520     32767
-1850860808     32742 725871085
         0-1850860808     32742
          1     32767-517860984
0         1-310305400        48


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

const int NAMESIZE = 15;
const int MAXRECORDS = 50;
struct Grades                           
    char name[NAMESIZE + 1];
    int test1;
    int test2;
    int final;


typedef Grades gradeType[MAXRECORDS];

void readIt(ifstream&, gradeType, const int);

int main()

    ifstream indata;
    gradeType studentRecord;

    if (!indata)
        cout << "Error opening file. \n";
        cout << "It may not exist where indicated" << endl;
        return 1;

    readIt(indata, studentRecord, MAXRECORDS);

    for (int count = 0; count < MAXRECORDS; count++)
        cout << studentRecord[count].name << setw(10)
             << studentRecord[count].test1
             << setw(10) << studentRecord[count].test2;
        cout << setw(10) << studentRecord[count].final << endl;


    return 0;

void readIt(ifstream& inData, gradeType gradeRec, const int max)

    int total = 0;

    inData.get(gradeRec[total].name, NAMESIZE);
    while (inData)
        inData >> gradeRec[total].test1;
        inData >> gradeRec[total].test2;
        inData >> gradeRec[total].final;

        total++;     // add one to total

        if (!inData.eof())
            inData.get(gradeRec[total].name, NAMESIZE);



问题的发生是因为 while 循环正在寻找整数并且它遇到了第二个名称,它不是整数。

更好的方法是将整行作为字符串读取,然后使用std::istringstream 从字符串中获取名称和测试值。

读取while循环时,没有消耗行尾的代码,所以程序一旦遇到行尾,就会跳过文件的其余部分,循环终止.屏幕上奇怪的输出是输出一个包含 49 个垃圾值的空数组的结果(自 MAXRECORDS = 50)。创建一个名为 numRead 或类似名称的变量,并将其设置为等于您要读取的行数。将其作为 for 循环中的结束条件。然后在 while 循环中,将 inData.ignore(NUMSIZE, '\n'); 放在您读取名称的位置之前。所以:

while (inData)
    inData >> gradeRec[total].test1;
    inData >> gradeRec[total].test2;
    inData >> gradeRec[total].final;

    total++;     // add one to total

    inData.ignore(NUMSIZE, '\n');
    inData.get(gradeRec[total].name, NAMESIZE);

inData.ignore(NUMSIZE, '\n'); 将有效地告诉程序忽略接下来的 15 个字符或直到遇到换行转义序列。这将允许正确读取文件。