
How to find closest point on line?

我有一个点 (A) 和一个向量 (V)(假设它的长度是无限的),我想在直线上找到离我的原始点 (A) 最近的点 (B)。使用 Unity Vector2 或 Vector3 得到这个的最简单的表达式是什么?


如果你有无限长的线 startdirection,计算线方向的点积然后乘以方向并将起点添加到它。

public Vector2 FindNearestPointOnLine(Vector2 origin, Vector2 direction, Vector2 point)
    Vector2 lhs = point - origin;

    float dotP = Vector2.Dot(lhs, direction);
    return origin + direction * dotP;


如果你有有限长度的线从 startend 位置,获取标题从起点到这。另外,使用 Mathf.Clamp 拍一下,以防断线。

public Vector2 FindNearestPointOnLine(Vector2 origin, Vector2 end, Vector2 point)
    //Get heading
    Vector2 heading = (end - origin);
    float magnitudeMax = heading.magnitude;

    //Do projection from the point but clamp it
    Vector2 lhs = point - origin;
    float dotP = Vector2.Dot(lhs, heading);
    dotP = Mathf.Clamp(dotP, 0f, magnitudeMax);
    return origin + heading * dotP;


Vector3 GetPoint(Vector3 p, Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
    return a + Vector3.Project(p - a, b - a);

此方法适用于 Vector3 输入,如果参数为 Vector2 并自动转换为 Vector2,则此方法也适用。如果需要,输出将隐式转换为 Vector2

// For finite lines:
Vector3 GetClosestPointOnFiniteLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 line_start, Vector3 line_end)
    Vector3 line_direction = line_end - line_start;
    float line_length = line_direction.magnitude;
    float project_length = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(point - line_start, line_direction), 0f, line_length);
    return line_start + line_direction * project_length;

// For infinite lines:
Vector3 GetClosestPointOnInfiniteLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 line_start, Vector3 line_end)
    return line_start + Vector3.Project(point - line_start, line_end - line_start);