
Custom Lattice Function: Getting Colors Correct Across Panels

我正在尝试控制自定义格子函数中数据点的颜色。这个想法是响应可能是一个或两个因素的函数。数据点的颜色应由 fac1 确定。这是函数:

compareCats <-
function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, cols = NULL, ...) {

    TwoFac <- FALSE
    res <- as.character(formula[[2]])
    if (length(formula[[3]]) == 1) {
        fac1 <- as.character(formula[[3]])
    if (length(formula[[3]]) == 3) {
        fac2 <- as.character(formula[[3]][3])
        fac1 <- as.character(formula[[3]][2])
        TwoFac <- TRUE

    args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)[-1]) # used a bit later

    if (TwoFac) keep <- c(res, fac1, fac2) # Reduce the df and clean it of NAs
    if (!TwoFac) keep <- c(res, fac1)
    data <- data[, keep]
    data <- na.omit(data)

    # cols2 is used for the data points according to levels in fac1
    if (!TwoFac) cols2 <- cols[data[,fac1]] # works fine
    if (TwoFac) {
        # In this case, the points and panels are drawn in an order I don't understand
        cols2 <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(data))
        for (i in 1:nlevels(data[,fac1])) { # make the colors correspond to the original order
            tmp <- which(data[,fac1] == levels(data[,fac1])[i])
            cols2[tmp] <- cols[i]
    data$cols <- cols2

    p <- lattice::xyplot(as.formula(args$formula), # now the plot
        data = eval(args$data), ...,
        panel = function(x, y, ...) {
            lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y, col = data$cols, ...)


mydf <- data.frame(
resp = rnorm(40),
cat1 = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 40, replace = TRUE),
cat2 = sample(letters[1:2], 40, replace = TRUE))
# One factor / works fine
p <- compareCats(formula = resp~cat1, data = mydf,
cols = c("red", "orange", "blue"))
# Two factors / colors not assigned correctly
p <- compareCats(formula = resp~cat1 | cat2, data = mydf,
cols = c("red", "orange", "blue"))

第一个生成此图: 第二个这个: 如何让第二个示例中的颜色从左到右依次为红色、橙色、蓝色、红色、橙色、蓝色?我尝试了很多方法,有时可以让第一个面板表现出来,但第二个面板似乎是随机的。显然我不太明白 Lattice 在 2 因子的情况下使用什么顺序,文档建议使用交互但仍然留下几种可能性,none 我已经能够弄清楚。

如果您想在面板上一致地更改点的颜色,我建议您通过更标准的 groups= 参数来实现。我会在您的 compareCats 函数中更改这两行

cols2 <- factor(cols2, levels=cols) # no need to attach to data
p <- lattice::xyplot(as.formula(args$formula), groups=cols2,
    data = eval(args$data), ...,
