使用具有多个目标变量和多个搜索条件的 KDtree 在 sklearn 中查找邻居

Finding Kneighbors in sklearn using KDtree with multiple target variables with multiple search criteria

假设这是我正在实现的简单 KD 树算法

def Test():

    features = np.random.random((10, 2))

    X = np.array(features[0:2])
    tree = KDTree(features, leaf_size=40)
    indic = tree.query_radius(X, r= 0.1)

    counter = 0
    for i in indic:
        a = (features[i])
        np.savetxt('file{}.txt'.format(counter), a, fmt='%s')
        counter += 1
        yield i

tree = Test()

[X for X in tree]



例如,假设我想使用一个变量 X = np.array(features[0]r = 0.1 另一个变量 Y = np.array(features[1]r = 0.5 现在只能这样想了

indic1 = tree.query_radius(X, r= 0.1)
indic2 = tree.query_radius(Y, r= 0.5)


是的,有一种方法可以做到这一点,仅使用一个 query_radius 调用,来自文档:

r can be a single value, or an array of values of shape x.shape[:-1] if different radii are desired for each point.


import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree

features = np.random.random((10, 2))

X = np.array(features[0:2])
tree = KDTree(features, leaf_size=40)
indices = tree.query_radius(X, r=np.array([0.1, 0.5]))

for cursor, ix in enumerate(indices):
    np.savetxt('file{}.txt'.format(cursor), features[ix], fmt='%s')

输出是 file0.txt 和 file1.txt,file0.txt 有 1 个点(小半径),file1.txt 有 5 个点(大半径)。