将未命名的管道输出重定向到 c 中的日志文件

redirect unnamed pipe output to log file in c

我想将未命名管道的输出重定向到用 c 语言打开的日志文件,但我似乎做不到,我的代码如下所示:


FILE * file = fopen(logfile, "w");
int fd = fileno(file);

if (fd == -1) {
bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, strerror(errno));   

/* if (dup2(fd, fildes[0]) == -1) {
      bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, strerror(errno));   
   } */

/* for testing purposes */
char reading_buf[3];
while(read(fildes[0], reading_buf, 3) > 0) {
  write(fd, reading_buf, 1); 


管道被填满,我已经用底部的 while 循环测试过了。但是当我注释掉 dup2 调用时,没有任何内容被重定向到该文件。我想我不完全理解 dup2 和管道。

另外:如果我 dup2 管道的读取端然后关闭原始 fildes[0],管道会关闭吗?或者它只是被关闭的 FD。也不完全应该这样..



int filedes[2];
pipe (filedes);


FILE *logfile = fopen (logfile_path, "w");
int logfd = fileno (logfile);

您可以使用 cat 命令启动子进程来进行重定向

int child = fork ();
if (child == 0) {
    // close the write end of the pipe
    close (filedes[1]);
    // make STDOUT point to the log file
    dup2 (logfd, STDOUT_FILENO);
    // make STDIN point to the read end of the pipe
    dup2 (filedes[0], STDIN_FILENO);
    // launch cat
    execlp ("cat", "cat", (char*) NULL);
    // in case of error
    exit (1);

现在,无论写入父级管道的写入端,都将由执行 cat 的子级读取并写入文件。

// close the read end of the pipe, it's not needed in the parent
close (filedes[0]);
// write something
const char *msg = "Hello World!\n";
write (filedes[1], msg, strlen (msg));
// close the write end of the pipe, this will make the child read EOF
close (filedes[1]);


wait (&status);


fclose (logfile);


这在 close 手册页中有解释:

If fd is the last file descriptor referring to the underlying open file description (see open(2)), the resources associated with the open file description are freed;