Python googlemaps 库和 Google 地点之间的差异 API 与 Postman 的通话

Discrepancy between Python googlemaps library and Google Places API call with Postman

当我通过此 GET 调用从 Google Places API 检索 JSON 代码时:,174.763336&radius=10000&key=PutYourAPIKeyHere


但是如果我使用官方 Google Maps Python library 来检索相同的调用:

import googlemaps
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='PutYourAPIKeyHere')
search_loction = gmaps.places("nearby",location='-36.8485, 174.763336', type="movie_theater")
print (search_loction)

我看到在 "types" 之后没有 "vicinity" 并且括号正在关闭,好像它是该业务的最后一个元素?

在 Postman API 呼叫中,我正在通过 nearbysearch,而在使用 Python 时,我正在通过 nearby

那么 nearbysearchnearby 一样吗?

如果不是,附近搜索的 googlemaps 库是什么?


import googlemaps

gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='PutYourAPIKeyHere')

search_loction = gmaps.places_nearby(location='-36.8485, 174.763336', type="movie_theater",radius="10000")
#print (search_loction)
Total_Places_Found = 0

if search_loction['status'] == 'OK':
    Total_Places_Found += len(search_loction['results'])

    for element in search_loction['results']:
        Place_ID = element['place_id']
        ID = element['id']
        Name = element['name']
        Latitude = element['geometry']['location']['lat']
        Longitude = element['geometry']['location']['lng']
        Rating = element['rating']
        Types = element['types']
        vicinity = element['vicinity']
        print (vicinity)