VBA - 如何在 table 中的文本中途开始选择

VBA - How to start a selection halfway through the text in a table

作为关于 range.findprevious question 的替代方案,我正在尝试 Selection.find

我发现 table 中出现了一个缩写。我想从该结果的位置继续我的搜索。

但是,当我获得范围并 select 它时,选择从行的开头开始。



    Private Sub cmdFindNextAbbr_Click()

    Dim myRange As range
    Dim Word, findText As String
    Dim chkAbbrLast, chkAbbrFullLast, fsCountExt, NextAbbrStart, NextAbbrStartTemp, NextAbbrEndTemp As Integer
    Dim firstOccEnd As Long
    Dim abr, abrText, srText As String
    Dim abrtype, ig, absCounter As Integer

    'CREATING DICTONARY for Selected Items
    abr = lstAbbreviations.List(selAbbrIndex, 0)
    abrText = lstAbbreviations.List(selAbbrIndex, 1)
    abrtype = lstAbbreviations.List(selAbbrIndex, 4)

    chkAbbrLast = 0
    chkAbbrFullLast = 0

    If NextAbbrEnd = 0 Then
        NextAbbrEnd = abbrFirstOccEnd
        NextAbbrStart = 0
    End If

    fnCountAbr = fnCountAbr + 1

    ' checking for full text and abbreviations
    vFindText = abrText & "," & abrText & "s," & abr & "," & abr & "s"
    vFindText = Split(vFindText, ",")
    aCount = 0
    For ig = LBound(vFindText) To UBound(vFindText)
        Set myRange = ActiveDocument.range(Start:=NextAbbrEnd + 1, End:=ActiveDocument.range.End)
        absCounter = 0

        srText = vFindText(ig)
        If InStr(srText, abrText) > 0 Then
            bMatchCase = False
        ElseIf InStr(srText, abr) > 0 Then
            bMatchCase = True
        End If

        Dim cached As Long
        cached = ActiveDocument.range.End


        Do While Selection.Find.Execute( _
                        findText:=srText, _
                        MatchCase:=bMatchCase, _
                        Wrap:=wdFindStop, _
                        MatchWholeWord:=True _
            ' if the found text starts earlier, set its location as first location
            If Selection.End <> abbrFirstOccEnd Then
                If NextAbbrStartTemp = 0 Or Selection.Start < NextAbbrStartTemp Then
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
            End If
            'check for full term and abbreviation
            fsCountExt = Len(abrText & "s (" & abr & "s)")

            If UCase(Selection.Text) = UCase(abrText & "s (" & abr & "s)") Then
                txtNew = abr & "s"
                If Selection.End = NextAbbrStartTemp + fsCountExt Then
                    NextAbbrEndTemp = Selection.End
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
                GoTo ContLoop
                fsCountExt = Len(abrText & " (" & abr & ")")
                Selection.End = Selection.Start + fsCountExt
            End If

            If UCase(Selection.Text) = UCase(abrText & " (" & abr & ")") Then
                txtNew = abr
                If Selection.End = NextAbbrStartTemp + fsCountExt Then
                    NextAbbrEndTemp = Selection.End
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
                GoTo ContLoop
            End If

            'check for full term only
            fsCountExt = Len(abrText & "s")
                Selection.End = Selection.Start + fsCountExt

            If UCase(Selection.Text) = UCase(abrText & "s") Then
                txtNew = abr & "s"
                If Selection.End = NextAbbrStartTemp + fsCountExt Then
                    NextAbbrEndTemp = Selection.End
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
                GoTo ContLoop
                fsCountExt = Len(abrText)
                Selection.End = Selection.Start + fsCountExt
            End If

            If UCase(Selection.Text) = UCase(abrText) Then
                txtNew = abr
                If Selection.End = NextAbbrStartTemp + fsCountExt Then
                    NextAbbrEndTemp = Selection.End
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
                GoTo ContLoop
            End If

            'check for only abbreviation
            fsCountExt = Len(abr & "s")
                Selection.End = Selection.Start + fsCountExt

            If UCase(Selection.Text) = UCase(abr & "s") Then
                txtNew = abr & "s"
                If Selection.End = NextAbbrStartTemp + fsCountExt Then
                    NextAbbrEndTemp = Selection.End
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
                GoTo ContLoop
                fsCountExt = Len(abr)
                Selection.End = Selection.Start + fsCountExt
            End If

            If UCase(Selection.Text) = UCase(abr) Then
                txtNew = abr
                If Selection.End = NextAbbrStartTemp + fsCountExt Then
                    NextAbbrEndTemp = Selection.End
                    NextAbbrStartTemp = Selection.Start
                End If
                GoTo ContLoop
            End If

            If absCounter > 2 Then GoTo ContSearch
            absCounter = absCounter + 1


            Selection.Start = Selection.Start + Len(Selection.Find.Text) + 1
            Selection.End = cached
    Next ig

    'MsgBox "No further occurrences found"


    NextAbbrStart = NextAbbrStartTemp
    NextAbbrEnd = NextAbbrEndTemp
    myRange.Start = NextAbbrStart
    myRange.End = NextAbbrEnd
End Sub

调试时,我在 myRange.Select 后看到以下值。在检查文档时。我看到该行开头的文本是 selected

myRange.Start : 18838
Selection.Start : 18216

使用(临时)书签记下您要重新启动的位置。 不要 尝试依赖 StartEnd 属性。那些都不靠谱。

当 Find 可能在 table 中结束并且找到的术语将继续存在于该位置时,从该点开始搜索到文档的结尾(或开头)将自动包括整行.如果您在一个单元格中单击然后按住 Shift 键并按向右箭头直到选择超出 table.


在这种情况下,您需要测试找到的Range是否在table中。如果是,则需要逐个单元格地继续查找循环,直到找到的范围不再位于 table.

下面的代码演示了原理。它使用一个 Range 对象,而不是 Selection,因为它更容易控制并且更 predictable。为了专注于逐个单元格地循环 table 的原理,它也非常简化,这可能有点令人难以置信。 (Debug.Print 只是为了在测试时保持跟踪。)

查找是否成功存储在布尔变量bFound中。在成功的情况下,找到的范围被测试是否在 table 中。 (请注意,您也可以使用 rngFind.Information(wdWithinTable)。)如果是,则折叠范围,以便找到的术语是 "outside" 它,然后范围扩展到单元格的末尾。

在循环中重复查找,直到在该单元格中找不到更多 "hits"。然后将 Range 移动到下一个单元格并重复查找,直到找到的 Range 不再位于 table 中。然后 Find 返回到循环中的 "normal" 过程,直到找不到更多搜索词的实例。

Sub FindLoopThroughTables()
    Dim sFindTerm As String
    Dim doc As Word.Document
    Dim rngFind As Word.Range
    Dim cel As Word.Cell
    Dim bFound As Boolean

    Set doc = ActiveDocument
    Set rngFind = doc.content
    rngFind.Find.wrap = wdFindStop
    sFindTerm = "the"

    bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
    Do While bFound
            Debug.Print rngFind.Start
            If rngFind.Tables.Count > 0 Then
                Do While bFound And rngFind.Tables.Count > 0
                    Set cel = rngFind.Cells(1)
                    rngFind.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                    rngFind.End = cel.Range.End - 1
                    bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
                    If bFound Then
                        Debug.Print rngFind.Start & "in table"
                        rngFind.MoveStart wdCell, 1
                        Set cel = rngFind.Cells(1)
                        rngFind.End = cel.Range.End
                        bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
                   End If
                rngFind.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                rngFind.End = doc.content.End
                bFound = rngFind.Find.Execute(sFindTerm)
            End If
End Sub