在 python 中创建具有良好布局的 restaurant/pizza 菜单

Creating a restaurant/pizza menu in python, with a good layout

我是 python 的新手,想使用 python 创建一个披萨订购系统,看起来像这样。

1   Hawaiian                      .50
2   Champagne Ham & Cheese        .50
3   Beef & Onion                  .50
4   Pepperoni                     .50
5   Simply Cheese                 .50
6   Bacon & Mushroom              .50
7   Italiano                      .50
8   The Deluxe                    .50  
9   Ham, Egg & Hollandaise        .50
10  Americano                     .50
11  Mr Wedge                      .50
12  BBQ Meatlovers                .50

然后我希望客户能够根据数量 select 不同的比萨饼,这样他们就不必输入夏威夷语,而是可以输入 1。 我试过字典和列表,但总是导致这个问题:

1  Hawaiian .50
2  Champagne Ham & Cheese.50
3  Beef & Onion .50
4  Pepperoni .50
5  Simply Cheese .50
6  Bacon & Mushroom .50
7  Italiano .50
8  The Deluxe .50 
9  Ham, Egg & Hollandaise .50
10  Americano .50
11  Mr Wedge .50 
12  BBQ Meatlovers .50

价格 "stick to the pizza name" 并且比萨饼的名称从 10 开始缩进一个字符。手动放置空格似乎不是解决我的问题的最有效方法。例如

standardprice = ".50"
    deluxeprice = "13.50"
    print (
1   Hawaiian                      %s
2   Champagne Ham & Cheese        %s
3   Beef & Onion                  %s
4   Pepperoni                     %s
5   Simply Cheese                 %s
6   Bacon & Mushroom              %s
7   Italiano                      %s
8   The Deluxe                    %s  
9   Ham, Egg & Hollandaise        %s
10  Americano                     %s
11  Mr Wedge                      %s
12  BBQ Meatlovers                %s
     """  % (standardprice, standardprice, standardprice, standardprice, 
             standardprice, standardprice, standardprice,deluxeprice,            
             deluxeprice,deluxeprice, deluxeprice, deluxeprice)

有没有更简单的方法来解决我的问题?另外作为打印时的附带问题,是否有一种方法可以将 "standardprice" 变量应用于前 7 个元素,并将豪华价格应用于 8-12,而不是我所做的粗略方式。

here had a somewhat similar problem but the page did not help.Code Academies "A day at the supermarket tutorial" 也不是特别有用。 我是 python 的新手,所以像我什么都不知道的那样解释会很有帮助


from collections import OrderedDict

thatsALowPrice = 7.50
thatsAHighPrice = 10.50

myMenu = OrderedDict()

myMenu["Sandwich"] = thatsALowPrice
myMenu["Burger"] = thatsALowPrice
myMenu["Steak"] = thatsAHighPrice

for k, v in myMenu.items():
    print(i, ":", k, "\t\t", v)

itemNumber = int(input("Choose your item: "))

print("You chose", item[0], "at a price of: $"+str(item[1]))

这是一个工作示例,但我使用 pandas 库来避免很多麻烦。如果您 can/want,请先浏览评论,如果您有其他问题,请回复。

不可否认,这不适合初学者,但除了 DataFrame 的格式化部分,它是非常基础的。

import pandas as pd

pizzas = [
    "Champagne Ham & Cheese",
    "Beef & Onion",
    "Simply Cheese",
    "Bacon & Mushroom",
    "The Deluxe",
    "Ham, Egg & Hollandaise",
    "Mr Wedge",
    "BBQ Meatlovers"

df = pd.DataFrame(pizzas, columns=["Pizzas"])
df.loc[:8, "Prices"] = 7.50     # First 7 items.
df.loc[8:, "Prices"] = 13.50    # All the rest.
df.index += 1                   # So that it's not zero-indexed.
total_bill = 0.0                # Meh.

print "Welcome to Pizza Planet!" # So unoriginal, I know.
print "Here's our menu!"
# Following method taken and modified from unutbu's amazing answer
# here: 
print df.to_string(justify='left',
                    'Prices':'     ${:.2f}'.format})
print "Input a number and press enter to select an item."
print "Input 'done' to finish your order and tabulate your bill."
print "Input 'exit' to cancel your orders."

while True:

    order = raw_input(">>>  ")

    if order == 'exit':
    elif order == 'done':
        print "Your total bill is ${:.2f}.".format(total_bill)
        raw_input("Press any key to exit.")
    elif int(order) in df.index:
        item = df.loc[int(order), "Pizzas"]     # Get the respective items
        price = df.loc[int(order), "Prices"]    # by indexing order input.
        print "You've selected {}! That would be ${:.2f}.".format(item, price)
        total_bill += price
        print "Don't be an idiot." # :-)
        raw_input("Press any key to exit.")


字符串格式化有一些super handy utilitiesljust|rjust只是这种东西。

这是我使用 ljust 快速创建的一个示例,但不要就此打住;看看上面链接的文档,让您的想象力随着字符串格式的自由而疯狂!

from collections import namedtuple

MenuEntry = namedtuple('MenuEntry', ['index','description','price'])
_menu = []
_menu.append(MenuEntry(1, 'Hawaiian', '.50'))
_menu.append(MenuEntry(2, 'Champagne Ham & Cheese', '.50'))
_menu.append(MenuEntry(3, 'Beef & Onion', '.50'))
_menu.append(MenuEntry(40, 'Pepperoni', '.50'))
_menu.append(MenuEntry(100, 'Simply Cheese', '.50'))

for entry in _menu:
    index = str(getattr(entry,'index')).ljust(5)
    descr = getattr(entry,'description').ljust(25)
    price = getattr(entry,'price').ljust(7)
    print '{0}{1}{2}'.format(index,descr,price)

""" Output: """

1    Hawaiian                 .50  
2    Champagne Ham & Cheese   .50  
3    Beef & Onion             .50  
40   Pepperoni                .50 
100  Simply Cheese            .50 

menu = int(input("   ORDER PLEASE \n 1.kanji with \n 2. fish with \n 3.rise with chicken \n \n   Select Yours"))

if menu == 1:
    print("\n kanji with  ")

    conform =int(input("\n conform to press one"))

    if conform ==1:
        print("\n Order confirmed")
        print("chose correct option")

elif menu == 2:
    print("\n fwith booti ")

    confm = int(input("\nconform to press one"))

    if confm == 1:
        print("\n Order confirmed")
        print("chose correct option")

elif menu == 3:
    print("\npoola with booti ")

    conform = int(input("\n conform to press one"))

    if conform == 1:
        print("\n Order confirmed")
        print("chose correct option")

    print("\n WRONG SELECTION")