如何解决 rpm 不可读错误

How solve rpm non-readable error

我正在为 ROSA(linux-based OS)

打包一些 python 模块


python-dogpile-cache.noarch: E: non-readable (Badness: 1) /usr/share/doc/python-dogpile-cache/changelog.rst 0600

所以我正在制作 dogpile.cache v 0.6.7 的 rpm 包。 我的 .spec 文件看起来像这样。 我什至找不到一些关于 rpm 错误描述的信息。所以我问你任何帮助。

%define oname   dogpile.cache

Name:       python-dogpile-cache
Version:    0.6.7
Release:    1
Summary:    A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock
Source0:    http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/%{oname}/%{oname}-%{version}.tar.gz
License:    BSD
Group:      Development/Python
Url:        http://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/dogpile.cache
BuildArch:  noarch
BuildRequires:  pythonegg(setuptools)
BuildRequires:  python-dogpile-core

A caching API built around the concept of a "dogpile lock", which allows
continued access to an expiring data value while a single thread generates
a new value.

%setup -q -n %{oname}-%{version}

python setup.py build

python setup.py install --root=%{buildroot}

%doc README.rst
%doc docs/api.html
%doc docs/changelog.html
%doc docs/core_usage.html
%doc docs/front.html
%doc docs/genindex.html
%doc docs/index.html
%doc docs/py-modindex.html
%doc docs/recipes.html
%doc docs/search.html
%doc docs/usage.html
%doc docs/_sources/api.rst.txt
%doc docs/_sources/changelog.rst.txt
%doc docs/_sources/core_usage.rst.txt
%doc docs/_sources/front.rst.txt
%doc docs/_sources/index.rst.txt
%doc docs/_sources/recipes.rst.txt
%doc docs/_sources/usage.rst.txt
%doc docs/_static/changelog.css
%doc docs/build/changelog.rst
%doc docs/build/requirements.txt
%doc docs/build/unreleased/README.txt

您没有找到关于该错误的任何文档,因为该错误来自 rpmlint,而不是 rpm。

rpmlint 将某些启发式方法应用于包以提高包质量。

错误是由于权限 0600 导致文件不可读。