Google 地点 API - 文本搜索未返回特定地点,即使地点详细信息查询有效

Google Places API - Text search not returning specific place, even though place details query works

有些东西让我挠头想知道我错过了什么 - 我正在尝试使用 Google 地点 API 来搜索特定的商家,但它没有显示在结果中。以下是业务详情:

Google 地点 API 搜索 - 没有结果,即使应该有

这是我一直在尝试的 Google 地点 API 查询: Kong llc&key=YOUR_GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY


    "candidates": [],
    "debug_log": {
        "line": []
    "status": "ZERO_RESULTS"

Google 个地点 API 详细信息 - 成功

但是当我查询 Google Place API details 端点时,它发现它没有问题:


    "html_attributions": [],
    "result": {
        "address_components": [
                "long_name": "Minneapolis",
                "short_name": "Minneapolis",
                "types": [
                "long_name": "Anoka County",
                "short_name": "Anoka County",
                "types": [
                "long_name": "Minnesota",
                "short_name": "MN",
                "types": [
                "long_name": "United States",
                "short_name": "US",
                "types": [
        "adr_address": "<span class=\"locality\">Minneapolis</span>, <span class=\"region\">MN</span>, <span class=\"country-name\">USA</span>",
        "formatted_address": "Minneapolis, MN, USA",
        "formatted_phone_number": "(612) 470-5664",
        "geometry": {
            "location": {
                "lat": 45.6468003,
                "lng": -127.268921
            "location_type": "APPROXIMATE",
            "viewport": {
                "northeast": {
                    "lat": 90,
                    "lng": 180
                "southwest": {
                    "lat": -10.17844973037574,
                    "lng": -180
        "icon": "",
        "id": "73bf8c40a758fbb8862479d58809432014c39d9c",
        "international_phone_number": "+1 612-470-5664",
        "name": "Website Kong llc",
        "opening_hours": {
            "open_now": true,
            "periods": [
                    "close": {
                        "day": 1,
                        "time": "1800"
                    "open": {
                        "day": 1,
                        "time": "0600"
                    "close": {
                        "day": 2,
                        "time": "1800"
                    "open": {
                        "day": 2,
                        "time": "0600"
                    "close": {
                        "day": 3,
                        "time": "1800"
                    "open": {
                        "day": 3,
                        "time": "0600"
                    "close": {
                        "day": 4,
                        "time": "1800"
                    "open": {
                        "day": 4,
                        "time": "0600"
                    "close": {
                        "day": 5,
                        "time": "1800"
                    "open": {
                        "day": 5,
                        "time": "0600"
                    "close": {
                        "day": 6,
                        "time": "1800"
                    "open": {
                        "day": 6,
                        "time": "0600"
            "weekday_text": [
                "Monday: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM",
                "Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM",
                "Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM",
                "Thursday: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM",
                "Friday: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM",
                "Saturday: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM",
                "Sunday: Closed"
        "photos": [
                "height": 455,
                "html_attributions": [
                    "<a href=\"\">Website Kong llc</a>"
                "photo_reference": "CmRaAAAAVkLv6PYRZyANYE2hUtNpyDNZnUq0eA0gzjNf62p4dSOjarZkordaYDaGjUU6Ocq9RZfwHtNSpKTuBfjkm-j5s-whNWdoknyTTVDOprbdClQDGqoBV9qxSDkvAKJYByz1EhCeFcS_76wbLN1Xge7HtqKiGhRzTkP0VTk9w6NV9plaYC5R_RDVgQ",
                "width": 920
                "height": 3264,
                "html_attributions": [
                    "<a href=\"\">Website Kong llc</a>"
                "photo_reference": "CmRaAAAAX6vcKPk-wk3IpM3UXMtdVJq_6ze4Scslyu4pypJ9Q5kf87B1B59tnXA8ddneT14eZJtIZzC_oluy4MYcEYqxPILd8VlXK1vod7J663up0i0vdsYUVz3XIwRZLYgfnzagEhAvZzqgbe9QC8lPmarxktUYGhTpc24nfQ4n8aBEdcvI0fsePtoDng",
                "width": 2448
                "height": 960,
                "html_attributions": [
                    "<a href=\"\">Website Kong llc</a>"
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                "width": 960
                "height": 593,
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                    "<a href=\"\">Website Kong llc</a>"
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                "width": 594
                "height": 1171,
                "html_attributions": [
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                "html_attributions": [
                    "<a href=\"\">Website Kong llc</a>"
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                "width": 475
        "place_id": "ChIJG6VFjT0us1IRfzmduSzk2mQ",
        "rating": 5,
        "reference": "CmRRAAAAjw6aoRzrwkDoX2D24qH2CMEHZa134zCdaWxAmNEgWC_GdBBRiX2FqcD-vv68EvS_ok4DTBqhBFIWpUb4_0Nx1QL05PkbGUQ1t5vFmG05ptdySj0xfUUyLr8UV4Oc0B1CEhD1pPsTltycClRhehscvtWHGhT3LwE8gN6YGlmIi7V12eW9BKIPrQ",
        "reviews": [
                "author_name": "Brian Alexander",
                "author_url": "",
                "language": "en",
                "profile_photo_url": "",
                "rating": 5,
                "relative_time_description": "a year ago",
                "text": "Website Kong has pleasantly surprised me with their prompt responses, changes, worth ethic, and business practices. Extremely easy to work with and always stays within budget. When opportunities arise for a marketing push they are brought to my attention and we decide whether to pursue or not. Small company with a big impact.",
                "time": 1497967550
                "author_name": "Bryan Roland",
                "author_url": "",
                "language": "en",
                "profile_photo_url": "",
                "rating": 5,
                "relative_time_description": "a year ago",
                "text": "I was referred to \"Kong\" through a friend that had been doing business with them for a few years. I was in the market for a website and I really needed to get my online presence up and running as soon as possible so I didn't miss out on any business opportunities that may have come my way. I contacted \"Kong\" with some ideas I had for the website with not much idea on what to expect or how the flow of making a website would go. They were very prompt in their response and within a few hours we were on the phone discussing the ins-and-outs of what the website would include and how it should look.\n\nBefore the process started I was a newbie in every sense of the word, so needless to say I was worried that this would be a very long and difficult process adding only stress to my business day. By the time the initial phone call was over, I had a completely different outlook on the process and realized that I was dealing with professionals that have truly mastered their craft. Getting the website up and running was seamless, the process was quick (about a week), and any edits that I needed done were taken care of within the hour.\n\nBecause of Kong's professionalism and skill, I have been a returning customer getting yet another website up and running through them as well as utilizing their Social Media Management services that are offered. Kong is currently managing not only the websites, but both Facebook pages, a twitter account, and a LinkedIn account. \n\nI would absolutely recommend Kong to both newbies and experienced business owners for Website formation, Online Optimization (SEO), and Social Media management. \n\nKong, I can't thank you enough for everything you have done and everything you are continuing to do for me and my businesses.",
                "time": 1472156495
        "scope": "GOOGLE",
        "types": [
        "url": "",
        "utc_offset": -300,
        "vicinity": "Minneapolis",
        "website": ""
    "status": "OK"

Google SERP(常规 Google 搜索)- 成功

当我 google Website Kond llc 时,它成功地 returns 搜索结果,右侧显示了商家详细信息。


我想知道如何使用 Google Places API 搜索此商家并成功获取商家详细信息。该商家似乎已成功列出,因为它具有 Google 地点 ID(我是通过 Google 地点搜索以外的其他方式找到的)并且显示在 Google 地点详细信息端点中和常规 Google 搜索。我已经对其他企业进行过数千次此类搜索,但这次似乎有点不同,如果有任何反馈 and/or 建议,我将不胜感激。谢谢!

更新 2018 年 8 月 21 日

看起来问题是这个地方是一个没有确切地址的服务区,Google 目前没有计划通过 Google 地点 API(感谢提醒,xomena)。因此,为了让它发挥作用,Kong 网站的 Google 地点列表已转换为实际地址列表,现在它会按预期显示在搜索结果中。

如果您在 上查看此商家,您会看到它被定义为服务区域商家(有一个覆盖美国和加拿大的多边形)

遗憾的是,所有服务区域商家都被排除在地点 API 搜索和自动完成之外。这是一个已知问题,已在 Google 问题跟踪器



来自 Google 的最后评论指出 (#26):

Service Area Businesses continue to be a recurring topic. While there are no plans to change the current status in the short term, we did update the Place ID finder at which is embeded in the Google My Business FAQ at

This Place ID finder is the only one that can be used to find the Place ID for a Service Area Business. The only use case for this is currently for the business owner to provide this Place ID to Google My Business.

Place Details may be used to retrieve details about a Service Area Business by its Place ID. All other Maps APIs (Geocoding, Directions, etc.) will not return Service Area Businesses.
