Scala 中 a += b 什么时候变成 a = a + b ?

When does a += b become a = a + b in Scala?

仅限 Scala 有时 脱糖

a += b

a = a + b

但并非总是如此。例如,一些可变集合定义了一个 += 方法,而它变成了



  1. 完全取决于a上是否有合适的+=方法? (包括这种行为还有其他例子吗?)
  2. 与对象是 val 还是 var 无关?


改编自 Scala 编程,在

var s = Set("a", "b")
s += "c"

In this case, the second line of code s += "c" is essentially shorthand for:

s = s + "c"

When does a += b become a = a + b in Scala?

当没有适用的+=方法时,适用的+方法,a是可赋值的(即是vara_= 方法)。

或者如 the spec 所说:

The re-interpretation occurs if the following two conditions are fulfilled.

  1. The left-hand-side l does not have a member named +=, and also cannot be converted by an implicit conversion to a value with a member named +=.
  2. The assignment l = l + r is type-correct. In particular this implies that l refers to a variable or object that can be assigned to, and that is convertible to a value with a member named +.

Is this behaviour

  1. entirely determined by whether there is a suitable += method on a?
  2. independent of whether the objects are val or var?

不完全是。如果有合适的 += 方法,它将被调用,而不管任何其他因素(例如 a 是可分配的)。但如果没有,其他因素将决定它是否已脱糖或收到错误消息。

请注意,您收到的错误消息与您从脱糖版本中收到的错误消息不同:当脱糖标准不适用时,您会收到一条错误消息,告诉您“+= is not ... 的成员”,加上无法应用脱糖的解释(例如“接收器不可分配”或如果 a + b 会产生您从 a + b 得到的类型错误类型错误)。

第一次回答有点仓促,抱歉。经过一些研究并更好地阅读了 @sepp2k 的回答和评论后,我得出结论,Scala 中的一些 类 实现了 += 方法,而其他只是 + 方法,我玩了一些 Scala 代码,例如:

  //Set, Int, Double, String implements the "+" method,
  //and then "+=" is syntactic sugar of a = a + b 
  var set = Set("a", "b")
  set += "c"

  var num = 3
  num += 2

  var str = "43"
  str += 5

  var l = List()
  l += "someString"

  // As you mention, MutableList implements "+=" method, and when you do
  // mutL += 4, is the same as call the method mutL.+=
  var mutL = new mutable.MutableList[Int]
  mutL += 4