Python - 在嵌套列表中查找 _any_ 和 _all_ 匹配项,以及 return 索引

Python - find _any_ and _all_ matches in a nested list, and return the indices

好的,所以这是 Python 2.7 和 Ren'Py 的一部分,所以请耐心等待(我生疏了,所以我可能只是在做一些非常愚蠢的事情)


input default "0" length 20 value VariableInputValue('playstore_search')

这继续 运行 一个函数来检查(当前是一个)嵌套列表中的匹配项:

if playstore_search.strip():
    $ tempsearch = playstore_search.strip()
    text tempsearch:
        color "#000"
        yalign .5 # this is just temporary to show me what the tempsearch looks like
    $ realtimesearchresult = realtime_search(tempsearch,playstore_recommended)
    if realtimesearchresult:
        text "[realtimesearchresult]":
            color "#000"
            yalign .6


def realtime_search(searchterm=False,listname=False):
    if searchterm and listname:
        indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(listname) if searchterm in s]
        if indices:
            return indices


default playstore_recommended = [
            ['HSS','Studio Errilhl','hss'],
            ['Making Movies','Droid Productions','makingmovies'],
            ['Parental Love','Luxee','parentallove'],
            ['A Broken Family','KinneyX23','abrokenfamily'],
            ['Inevitable Relations','KinneyX23','inevitablerelations'],
            ['The DeLuca Family','HopesGaming','thedelucafamily'],
            ['A Cowboy\'s Story','Noller72','acowboysstory']

现在,如果我搜索 hss,它会找到 - 如果我搜索 makingmovies,它会找到 - 但是,如果我搜索 droid (或 Droid 因为它目前不区分大小写)它不会找到任何东西。

所以,这至少是一个双重问题: 1. 我如何使整个事情不区分大小写 2.如何让它匹配部分字符串


好的,现在一切正常了。但是,仍然存在一些问题。要匹配的完整列表比上面发布的要复杂得多,而且它似乎不匹配字符串命中 "in the middle of a string" - 仅匹配第一个单词。所以,如果我有这样的东西:

 ['This is a test string with the words game and move in it'],
 ['This is another test string, also containing game']

并且我搜索 "game",可能会有两个结果。但是我得到 0。但是,如果我搜索 "this",我会得到两个结果。

我建议先将嵌套列表中的条目转换为小写,然后使用 find() 搜索术语。考虑以下功能:

myListOfLists = [
            ['HSS','Studio Errilhl','hss'],
            ['Making Movies','Droid Productions','makingmovies'],
            ['Parental Love','Luxee','parentallove'],
            ['A Broken Family','KinneyX23','abrokenfamily'],
            ['Inevitable Relations','KinneyX23','inevitablerelations'],
            ['The DeLuca Family','HopesGaming','thedelucafamily'],
            ['A Cowboy\'s Story','Noller72','acowboysstory']

searchFor = 'hss'
result = [ [ l.lower().find(searchFor) == 0 for l in thisList ] for thisList in myListOfLists ]


[[True, False, True],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False],
 [False, False, False]]


any([any(r) for r in result])

如果您使用 searchFor = 'droid',它也应该 return True

要查找 True 的索引,我建议使用 numpy

中的 where 命令
import numpy as np
idx = np.where(result)

例如,searchFor = 'life'idx的值将是:

(array([2, 2], dtype=int64), array([0, 2], dtype=int64))

不使用 numpy 查找索引(不太优雅):

indices = [ [idx if val else -1 for idx, val in enumerate(r) ] for r in result ]

这将给出与发生匹配的索引对应的正值,否则将给出 -1

[[-1, -1, -1],
 [-1, -1, -1],
 [0, -1, 2],
 [-1, -1, -1],
 [-1, -1, -1],
 [-1, -1, -1],
 [-1, -1, -1],
 [-1, -1, -1],
 [-1, -1, -1]]
