positive/negative 取模以获得范围内的项目

positive/negative Modulo to get items in range

我看了 https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/519845/modulo-of-a-negative-number and Modulo operation with negative numbers 但我仍然想知道如何使用负模值来获取范围内的项目。

下面是我的问题之前的一个简化用例,我有一个包含 3 张幻灯片的幻灯片 (slidesCount = 3):

slide indexes:    0     1     2


    -2   -1       0   1   2       3   4

           should match slide:

     1    2       0   1   2       0   1

因此 index % slidesCount 我涵盖了案例:

                  0   1   2       3   4 

但不是负值。 -1 % 3 returns -1 如果索引为负数,那么 slidesCount + index % slidesCount 是正确的表达式吗?


index = index % slidesCount + (index < 0 ? slidesCount : 0)

现在我的问题是每张幻灯片有 3 个可见项目的幻灯片放映, 最后一张幻灯片可能只有一个项目(下面的索引 9),因此从这些数字来看:

  -3 -2 -1         0 1 2   3 4 5   6 7 8   9       10 11 12


      9              0       3       6     9           0

我希望下面的图表有意义!请帮我用最少 ifs:

     -3 -2 -1               0 1 2   3 4 5   6 7 8   9             10 11 12
    |________|             |______________________________________________|
        ||                              ||                           ||
        ||                              Math.floor( i / visibleSlides )
Math.ceil(i / visibleSlides)            ||                           ||
        ||                              ||                           ||
        \/                              \/                           \/

        -1                    0       1       2     3                 4
       |___|                 |_______________________|              |___|
        ||                              ||                           ||
slidesCnt + i % visibleSlides       i % visibleSlides                || ??
        ||                              ||                           ||
        \/                              \/                           \/

         3                    0       1       2     3                 0

                                        || i * visibleSlides

         9                    0       3       6     9                 0


// Prevents out of range.
// e.g. -1, -2, 12, 13
let newIndex = (index + slidesCount) % slidesCount

// Calculates how many items are missing on last slide. 
// e.g. if 10 slides with 3 visible slides, 2 missing slides on last slide.
let lastSlideItems = slidesCount % visibleSlides || visibleSlides
let missingItems = visibleSlides - lastSlideItems

// If index is negative adjust by adding the missing slides.
newIndex += index < 0 ? missingItems : 0

// Always get the first item of the series of visible items.
// e.g. if index is 8 and 3 visible slides, newIndex will be 6. 
newIndex = Math.floor(newIndex / visibleSlides) * visibleSlides