Azure 负载均衡器 - 平衡本地服务器

Azure load balancer - balance on-premises servers

我家里有 3 台服务器托管 3 个网站(本地)。

Azure 负载均衡器是否可以在我的站点之间进行负载均衡并启用 http2.0

我找不到有关 http 2.0 的信息

这不可能。 Azure 负载均衡器仅用于平衡 Azure VM 之间的流量,更具体地说,是同一可用性集和规模集中的 Azure VM 之间的流量。此外,Azure VM 位于同一 Azure 区域内。您可以看到 Azure 网络团队关于 Load Balancer support for on-premise VMs.


您可能认为 Azure 流量管理器是您可以拥有包含本地服务的端点的解决方案。但流量管理器终结点应该是托管在 Azure 内部或外部的任何面向 Internet 的服务。参考this.

If you have endpoints that are inside a private network, Traffic manager cannot be used for that traffic.

另一种选择是 Azure Application gateway which is a layer 7 solution that can front services regardless of the region/on-premises. Refer to this

Application Gateway can talk to instances outside of the virtual network that it is in as long as there is IP connectivity. If you plan to use internal IPs as backend pool members, then it requires VNET Peering or VPN Gateway.


根据此 doc 添加 http2.0 信息。

HTTP/2 protocol support is available to clients connecting to Application Gateway listeners only. The communication to backend server pools is over HTTP/1.1.

By default, HTTP/2 support is disabled. The following Azure PowerShell code snippet example shows how you can enable it:

 $gw = Get-AzureRmApplicationGateway -Name test -ResourceGroupName hm
 $gw.EnableHttp2 = $true
 Set-AzureRmApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $gw