您如何向 Cisco Contact Center Express Identity Service 进行身份验证?

How do you authenticate to Cisco Contact Center Express Identity Service?

我正在构建第 3 方应用程序以使用 Contact Center Express 进行身份验证。文件是必要的,但不足以实现这一点。例如,


// Get Access Token for the received Authorization Code
String redirectURI = config.getRedirectUri();
AccessToken token = client.getAccessToken(authCode, redirectURI);

您何时何地将用户重定向到 Contact Center 以进行身份​​验证?我观察到 Finesse 会将用户重定向到


但是在哪里指定使用身份服务(IDS)路径/ids/v1/oauth/authorize? state 是必需的参数吗? IDS SDK 是否处理回调路径/desktop/sso/authcode?我想它不会,但是将发送给它的参数是什么?我正在使用 Spring 框架。


即使在收到 OAuth 令牌后,我如何使用它对其他 Cisco 产品进行其他 REST 调用? Finesse REST API 仅提及 HTTP 基本身份验证。 "Authorization: Bearer" 代币没有提到 headers。



public class SSOController {

    private IdSClientConfigurationImpl config;

    private IdSClient client;

    public String login(@RequestParam(name="user", required=true) String user) {
        // redirect the user to the Cisco Contact Center Express Identity Service
        String redirectURI = config.getRedirectUri();
        String clientId = config.getClientId();

        URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder
                .queryParam("redirect_uri", "{redirect_uri}")
                .queryParam("client_id", "{client_id}")
//              .queryParam("state", "{state}") // base64 encoded
                .queryParam("response_type", "code")
                .build(redirectURI, clientId);
        return "redirect:"+uri.toString();

    public String idscallback(
            @RequestParam(name="code", required=true) String code, 
            @RequestParam(name="state", required=false) String state,
            HttpSession session) throws IdSClientException {

        // Get Access Token for the received Authorization Code
        String redirectURI = config.getRedirectUri();
        AccessToken token = client.getAccessToken(code, redirectURI); // why do I need redirectURI when it's already redirected?
        String accessTokenString = token.getAccess_token();
        session.setAttribute("token", accessTokenString);
//      model.addAttribute("token", accessTokenString);     
        return "redirect:/";


    public IdSClientConfigurationImpl config() throws IOException, IdSClientException {
        ClassPathResource idsclientResource = new ClassPathResource("idsclient.properties");
        IdSClientConfigurationImpl config = new IdSClientConfigurationImpl(idsclientResource.getFile().getPath());
//      IdSClientConfigurationImpl config = new IdSClientConfigurationImpl("src/main/resources/idsclient.properties");
        return config;

    public IdSClient setupIdsClient() throws IOException, IdSClientException {
        IdSClient client = IdSClientFactory.getIdSClient();
        client.setTLSContext(createSSLTrustManager(), createHostnameVerifier());
//      client.setTLSContext(arg0, arg1) // use secure trust manager and hostname verifier in production
        return client;

    private X509TrustManager createSSLTrustManager() {
        X509TrustManager tm = new TrustAllX509TrustManager();
        return tm;  

    private HostnameVerifier createHostnameVerifier() {
        HostnameVerifier hv = new SkipAllHostNameVerifier();
        return hv;