laravel route:any 页面因不活动而过期

laravel route:any page expired to inactivity

我在 laravel 5.5 中使用任何一条路线:

Route::any('/', 'HomeController@index')->name('homepage');

路由应该是 GET 路由,但由于第三方提供商使用 POST 重定向,我不得不将其更改为任何;


The page has expired due to inactivity. 

Please refresh and try again.

这是因为 {{ csrf_field() }}

即使收到 POST 请求,我如何传递 csrf_field 并使该路由充当 GET 路由?

Note: Do not disable CSRF protection unless you know what you are doing. I only suggest this because it appears they are not actually POSTing any data to the application on this route.

您可以通过将 URI 添加到 VerifyCsrfToken 中间件中的 $except 数组来从 CSRF 保护中排除 URI:

protected $except = [

只需在表单标签内添加 csrf()。