为什么要在 HttpClient 响应可观察对象上使用扩展运算符?

Why use the spread operator on an HttpClient response observable?

我在查看有关 Angular 的 HttpClient (https://angular.io/guide/http#error-handling) 的文档时发现了这个片段:

showConfig() { this.configService.getConfig() .subscribe( (data: Config) => this.config = { ...data }, // success path error => this.error = error // error path ); }

我很好奇为什么 data 对象在分配给 config 属性 之前就被传播了。这样做比简单地将数据对象直接分配给 this.config 有什么好处?

我也一直在想同样的事情。我想这只是一种很好的灵活做法。当您传播 ...data 时,它会复制每个 key/value 对,而 this.config 是现在保存复制对象的接收者。如果需要,您可以向 this.config 添加一些其他内容,例如 { ...data, ...moredata }


"When the thing that is being spread is an object and the receiver is an object too, then the key-value pairs are copied together instead of just values. Mostly, spread operator with objects is used to make a copy of an existing object or to make a new object with more properties."
