如何在 V8 javascript 引擎中启用和使用 ES6 模块?

How would one enable and use ES6 modules in the V8 javascript engine?

我在我的(Windows 桌面)C++ 应用程序中使用嵌入式 V8 引擎。我知道 V8 支持 ES6 模块。我将如何在我的应用程序中激活和使用此功能?


代替 V8 的实际示例(我实际上打算在某个时候写一些),我将在这里写一个。对于一些在野外使用的例子,我推荐 Node.js's implementation, or my own, both using very similar layouts (having been written by the same people). There is also an implementation in D8, V8's CLI debugger.

Local<String> source_text = String::NewFromUtf8(
    isolate, "import 'some thing'; 1 + 1");

ScriptOrigin origin(String::NewFromUtf8("main.mjs"),      // specifier
                    Integer::New(isolate, 0),             // line offset
                    Integer::New(isolate, 0),             // column offset
                    False(isolate),                       // is cross origin
                    Local<Integer>(),                     // script id
                    Local<Value>(),                       // source map URL
                    False(isolate),                       // is opaque
                    False(isolate),                       // is WASM
                    True(isolate));                       // is ES6 module
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
ScriptCompiler::Source source(source_text, origin);
Local<Module> module;
if (!ScriptCompiler::CompileModule(isolate, &source).ToLocal(&module)) {
  // if you have a v8::TryCatch, you should check it here.

// You can resolve import requests ahead of time (useful for async)
for (int i = 0; i < module->GetModuleRequestsLength(); i++) {
  Local<String> specifier = module->GetModuleRequest(i); // "some thing"

// or you can resolve them sync in the InstantiateModule callback
module->InstantiateModule(context, [](Local<Context> context, // "main.mjs"
                                      Local<String> specifier, // "some thing"
                                      Local<Module> referrer) {
  return Local<Module>();

// setting this callback enables dynamic import
isolate->SetImportModuleDynamicallyCallback([](Local<Context> context,
                                               Local<ScriptOrModule> referrer,
                                               Local<String> specifier) {
  return MaybeLocal<Promise>();

// setting this callback enables import.meta
isolate->SetHostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback([](Local<Context> context,
                                                      Local<Module> module,
                                                      Local<Object> meta) {
  // meta->Set(key, value); you could set import.meta.url here

Local<Value> result;
if (module->Evaluate(context).ToLocal(&result)) {
  String::Utf8Value utf8(isolate, result);
  printf("module eval result: %s\n", *utf8);
} else {
  // once again, if you have a v8::TryCatch, use it here.