McAfee python 脚本,SSL 验证失败
McAfee python script, SSL Failed to Verify
所以为了我的工作,我被要求学习 Python 迈克菲...无论如何我找不到任何像样的文档,所以我想我会在这里添加我的笔记并看到它任何人都可以改进我的解决方案。
Error/reason: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:661)>
import mcafee
mc = mcafee.client("", "8443","admin","password")
#code specific to this task
input = "mytag" #
systems = mc.system.find(input)#Search text can be IP address, MAC address, user name, agent GUID or tag
#The above uses the System Tree for searching
for system in systems:
#The below file contains EPOComputerProperties
#the file is in the for loop to all each device to produce results
for each property
file = open('C:/.../.../.../myquery.txt')
for i in file:
id = system[i.rstrip('\n')]
print id
print ""
所以我的解决方案是在我的工作顶部使用以下代码使用 Monkey 补丁(一个不明智的 Monkey 补丁...):
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
如果您能找到更好的连接方式,无需为我的 ePO 服务器提供有效证书,请告诉我。
所以为了我的工作,我被要求学习 Python 迈克菲...无论如何我找不到任何像样的文档,所以我想我会在这里添加我的笔记并看到它任何人都可以改进我的解决方案。
Error/reason: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:661)>
import mcafee
mc = mcafee.client("", "8443","admin","password")
#code specific to this task
input = "mytag" #
systems = mc.system.find(input)#Search text can be IP address, MAC address, user name, agent GUID or tag
#The above uses the System Tree for searching
for system in systems:
#The below file contains EPOComputerProperties
#the file is in the for loop to all each device to produce results
for each property
file = open('C:/.../.../.../myquery.txt')
for i in file:
id = system[i.rstrip('\n')]
print id
print ""
所以我的解决方案是在我的工作顶部使用以下代码使用 Monkey 补丁(一个不明智的 Monkey 补丁...):
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
如果您能找到更好的连接方式,无需为我的 ePO 服务器提供有效证书,请告诉我。