C# 代码在从 int 转换为 String 时返回奇怪的数字

C# code returning weird numbers when converting from int to String

我创建了一个时间 class 来跟踪小时、分钟和 am/pm。 出于某种原因,当我尝试输出标签中的文本并尝试将我的整数转换为字符串时,我得到了非常奇怪的结果。例如,当标签应显示数字 12 时,它会显示 -35791382。我相信这与 toString() 方法有关,但我不能确定。有人知道为什么会这样吗? .toString()Convert.ToString() 我都试过了。

protected void btngo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int hours = Convert.ToInt16(ddl2.Text);
    int minutes = Convert.ToInt16(ddl3.Text);
    bool am;
    if (ddl4.Text == "AM")
        am = true;
        am = false;
    Time start = new Time(hours, minutes, am);
    Time t1 = start;
    if (ddl1.Text == "What time do you need to wake up?")
        t1.hours -= 1;
        t1.minutes -= 30;
    lbl3.Text = t1.hours.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(t1.minutes) + " " + Convert.ToString(t1.am);

public class Time
    public int hours;
    public int minutes;
    public bool am;

    public Time(int hours, int minutes, bool am)
        this.hours = hours;
        this.minutes = minutes;
        this.am = am;

    public void Clean(){
        while (this.minutes > 59)
            this.hours += 1;
            this.minutes -= 60;
            if (this.hours > 12)
                if (this.am == true)
                    this.am = false;
                    this.am = true;
                this.hours -= 12;
        while (this.minutes < 0)
            this.hours -= 1;
            this.minutes -= 60;
        if (this.hours < 1)
            if (this.am == true)
                this.am = false;
                this.am = true;
            this.hours += 12;



    while (this.minutes < 0)
        this.hours -= 1;
        this.minutes -= 60;

...因为分钟数将永远减少 60。您是否在本示例中未显示的某个地方埋下了异常?我怀疑当超过 Int16 的最小允许值 (-32768) 时会引发异常。


while (this.minutes < 0)
    this.hours -= 1;
    this.minutes -= 60;


    this.minutes += 60;


if (this.minutes > 59)
    while (this.minutes > 59)
       this.hours += 1;
       this.minutes -= 60;
else if (this.minutes < 0)
    while (this.minutes < 0)
       this.hours -= 1;
       this.minutes += 60;
if (this.hours <= 0)
    this.hours += 12;
    this.am = !this.am;
else if (this.hours > 12)
    this.hours -= 12;
    this.am = !this.am;