如何使用 TFS API 2013 获取所有迭代路径

How to get all Iteration Paths with a TFS API 2013

我使用 TFS API 库已有一段时间,并且在与 TFS 2010 交互以获取迭代路径时一直使用以下代码 (代码来自 this page)...

public IList<string> GetIterationPaths(Project project)
   List<string> iterations = new List<string>();
   foreach (Node node in project.IterationRootNodes)
      AddChildren(string.Empty, node, iterations);
   return iterations;

private void AddChildren(string prefix, Node node, List<string> items)
   foreach (Node item in node.ChildNodes)
      AddChildren(prefix + node.Name + "/", item, items);

当我考虑在 TFS 2013 中获取所有迭代时,情况发生了变化。在 TFS 2013 中,迭代的概念略有变化,TFS 2013 的 API 程序集没有 IterationRootNodes


 var cred = new TfsClientCredentials(new WindowsCredential(), true);
 TfsTeamProjectCollection coll = new TfsTeamProjectCollection("{URI to SERVER}", cred);

 var teamConfig = coll.GetService<TeamSettingsConfigurationService>();
 var css = coll.GetService<ICommonStructureService4>();
 var project = css.GetProjectFromName(projectInfo.ProjectName);

 IEnumerable<TeamConfiguration> configs = teamConfig.GetTeamConfigurationsForUser(new[] { project.Uri.ToString() });
 TeamConfiguration team = configs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectUri == project.Uri.ToString());

 var iterations = BuildIterationTree(team, css);

其中 BuildIterationTree 看起来像...

 private IList<IterationInfo> BuildIterationTree(TeamConfiguration team, ICommonStructureService4 css)
        string[] paths = team.TeamSettings.IterationPaths;

        var result = new List<IterationInfo>();

        foreach (string nodePath in paths.OrderBy(x => x))
            var projectNameIndex = nodePath.IndexOf("\", 2);
            var fullPath = nodePath.Insert(projectNameIndex, "\Iteration");
            var nodeInfo = css.GetNodeFromPath(fullPath);
            var name = nodeInfo.Name;
            var startDate = nodeInfo.StartDate;
            var endDate = nodeInfo.FinishDate;

            result.Add(new IterationInfo
                IterationPath = fullPath.Replace("\Iteration", ""),
                StartDate = startDate,
                FinishDate = endDate,
        return result;

我的问题是...如何获得完整的迭代树而不是 TFS 2013 的团队特定迭代?

团队特定的迭代可以配置为通过针对迭代的复选框通过 Web 门户显示或不显示。

你的问题回答了我关于如何获得团队特定迭代的问题,所以我至少可以提供这个获得完整迭代层次结构的代码片段。我想我最初是在 this blog:

    public static void GetIterations(TfsTeamProjectCollection collection,
        ICommonStructureService4 css, ProjectInfo project)
        TeamSettingsConfigurationService teamConfigService = collection.GetService<TeamSettingsConfigurationService>();
        NodeInfo[] structures = css.ListStructures(project.Uri);
        NodeInfo iterations = structures.FirstOrDefault(n => n.StructureType.Equals("ProjectLifecycle"));
        XmlElement iterationsTree = css.GetNodesXml(new[] { iterations.Uri }, true);

        string baseName = project.Name + @"\";
        BuildIterationTree(iterationsTree.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes, baseName);

    private static void BuildIterationTree(XmlNodeList items, string baseName)
        foreach (XmlNode node in items)
            if (node.Attributes["NodeID"] != null &&
                node.Attributes["Name"] != null &&
                node.Attributes["StartDate"] != null &&
                node.Attributes["FinishDate"] != null)
                string name = node.Attributes["Name"].Value;
                DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(node.Attributes["StartDate"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                DateTime finishDate = DateTime.Parse(node.Attributes["FinishDate"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Found Iteration with start / end dates
            else if (node.Attributes["Name"] != null)
                string name = node.Attributes["Name"].Value;

                // Found Iteration without start / end dates

            if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                string name = baseName;
                if (node.Attributes["Name"] != null)
                    name += node.Attributes["Name"].Value + @"\";

                BuildIterationTree(node.ChildNodes, name);