
Why is my iterator being advanced again?

我有以下程序 - 我使用 genny.js 来处理异步流控制 - 我用 suspend.js 尝试过相同的程序 - 类似的错误。

我正在使用 Stripe nodejs API。

我的迭代器函数似乎被调用了两次 - 这导致了错误 - 我不明白为什么它被调用了两次。这一定是我没有看到的一个简单的心理把戏。

var genny = require('genny')
genny.longStackSupport = true

var stripe = require("stripe")("sk_live_....")

fetchCharges = genny.fn(function* (d) {
  console.log("Before fetchCharges")
  var charges = yield fetchList(d())
  console.log("After fetchCharges - found ", charges.length)
  return true

fetchList = genny.fn(function* (done) {
  console.log("before fetchList")
  var results = yield stripe.charges.list({}, done())
  console.log("after fetchList")
  return results.data

genny.run(function* (resume) {
  console.log('before run')
  yield fetchCharges(resume())
  console.log('after run')


> node --harmony genny.js

before run
Before fetchCharges
before fetchList
after fetchList
After fetchCharges - found  10
after run
        else throw e; 
Error: callback already called
    at resume (/Volumes/dev/ingest/node_modules/genny/index.js:154:39)
    at throwAt (/Volumes/dev/ingest/node_modules/genny/index.js:49:30)
    at resume (/Volumes/dev/ingest/node_modules/genny/index.js:153:28)
    at tryProcessPending (/Volumes/dev/ingest/node_modules/genny/index.js:41:28)
    at resume (/Volumes/dev/ingest/node_modules/genny/index.js:164:17)
    at null._onTimeout (/Volumes/dev/ingest/node_modules/stripe/lib/StripeResource.js:87:34)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:110:15)
From generator:
    at /Volumes/dev/ingest/genny.js:22:26

现在,如果我用以下函数替换 fetchList,它就可以正常工作:

fetchList = genny.fn(function* (done) {
  console.log('before doTimeout')
  console.log('1sec break ...')
  yield setTimeout(done(), 1000);
  console.log('after doTimeout')
  return []


> node --harmony genny.js

before run
Before fetchCharges
before doTimeout
1sec break ...
after doTimeout
After fetchCharges - found  0
after run

为了进一步说明 itertor 的 next() 方法被调用了两次这一事实 - 我有另一个(非工作)版本的程序。

var genny = require('genny')
genny.longStackSupport = true

var stripe = require("stripe")("sk_live_...")

fetchCharges = genny.fn(function* (d) {
  console.log("Before fetchCharges")
  var charges = yield fetchList(function(err, cb) {
  console.log("After fetchCharges - found ", charges.length)
  return true

fetchList = genny.fn(function* (done) {
  console.log("before fetchList")
  var results = yield stripe.charges.list({}, done())
  console.log("after fetchList")
  return results.data

genny.run(function* (resume) {
  console.log('before run')
  yield fetchCharges(resume())
  console.log('after run')


> node --harmony genny.js

before run
Before fetchCharges
before fetchList
after fetchList

这很奇怪 - 我不明白。请比我聪明的人解释一下。


我已经更改了代码以在没有回调的情况下调用条带方法,或者 迭代器恢复函数。现在它起作用了。但是 - 奇怪的是 - 查看 "results" 处的控制台。我不明白为什么。所以现在它不调用 fetchList 迭代器的 next() 函数 "a second time" - 但我什至没有看到它在哪里被调用一次!?

var results = yield stripe.charges.list()


var genny = require('genny')
genny.longStackSupport = true

var stripe = require("stripe")("sk_live_i6TrEk5lSRM1CmbSZZPsQzKc")

fetchCharges = genny.fn(function* (d) {
  console.log("  fetchCharges {")
  var charges = yield fetchList(d())
  console.log("  } fetchCharges - found ", charges.length)
  return true

fetchList = genny.fn(function* (done) {
  console.log("    fetchList {")
  var results = yield stripe.charges.list({}, function(err, results) {
    console.log("results ")
  console.log("    } fetchList")
  return results.data

genny.run(function* (resume) {
  console.log('Before run {')
  yield fetchCharges(resume())
  console.log('} after run')


> node --harmony genny.js

Before run {
  fetchCharges {
    fetchList {
    } fetchList
  } fetchCharges - found  10
} after run


stripe API docs提到

Every resource method accepts an optional callback as the last argument.
Additionally, every resource method returns a promise.

但是,genny and suspend

work seamlessly with Node callback conventions and promises


var results = yield stripe.charges.list({}, done())

您确实同时隐含地使用了两者done() 确实创建了一个传递给 stripe 的回调,但该调用也产生了一个被 yield 的 promise,并且 genny/suspend 在其上注册了另一个回调。这会导致您正在观察的Error: callback already called


  • 不兑现承诺

    var results = yield void stripe.charges.list({}, done())
    //                  ^^^^
  • 不传递回调

    var results = yield stripe.charges.list({})
