Haskell `hlint`,如何为错误的缩进、尾随空格等添加提示?

Haskell `hlint`, how can I add hint for wrong indentation, trailing spaces and etc?

我尝试使用 hlint 包,但它没有给出警告或配置:

和其他与 spaces/tabs 和空行相关的 lint 选项内容

我不明白 "Add new hint" 如何帮助我解决这个问题


There is currently no support in HLint for issues which are about spacing or indentation. There are a few tools that deal with such concerns, search Haskell style checker for a few. I think HLint is probably better remaining free from whitespace concerns and letting other tools deal with them - I should probably link in the README to whatever the consensus is (I'm not sure)