为什么 make_unique 有一个可以将 std::bind 作为参数的构造函数的额外移动?

Why does make_unique have an extra move with a constructor that can take std::bind as an argument?

我有一个简单的 class,它的构造函数如下所示:

Event(std::function<void()> &&f) : m_f(std::move(f)) { }


Thing thing;
std::unique_ptr<Event> ev(new Event(std::bind(some_func,thing)));

以上述方式使用它会导致 'thing' 的一个副本构造,然后在该副本上进行移动构造。


std::unique_ptr<Event> ev = make_unique<Event>(std::bind(some_func,thing));



#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;

class Thing
    Thing() : x(0)


    Thing(Thing const &other)
        this->x = other.x;
        std::cout << "Copy constructed Thing!\n";

    Thing(Thing &&other)
        this->x = other.x;
        std::cout << "Move constructed Thing!\n";

    Thing & operator = (Thing const &other)
        this->x = other.x;
        std::cout << "Copied Thing!\n";
        return (*this);

    Thing & operator = (Thing && other)
        this->x = other.x;
        std::cout << "Moved Thing!\n";
        return (*this);

    int x;

class Event
    Event() { }
    Event(function<void()> && f) : m_f(std::move(f)) { }
    void SetF(function<void()> && f) { m_f = std::move(f); }

    function<void()> m_f;

int main() {

    auto lambda = [](Thing &thing) { std::cout << thing.x << "\n"; };

    Thing thing;
    std::cout << "without unique_ptr: \n";
    Event ev(std::bind(lambda,thing));
    std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << "with unique_ptr, no make_unique\n";
    unique_ptr<Event> ev_p(new Event(std::bind(lambda,thing)));
    std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << "with make_unique: \n";
    auto ev_ptr = make_unique<Event>(std::bind(lambda,thing));
    std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << "with SetF: \n";
    ev_ptr = make_unique<Event>();
    std::cout << "\n";

    return 0;


g++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out
clang++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out

without unique_ptr: 
Copy constructed Thing!
Move constructed Thing!

with unique_ptr, no make_unique
Copy constructed Thing!
Move constructed Thing!

with make_unique: 
Copy constructed Thing!
Move constructed Thing!
Move constructed Thing!

with SetF: 
Copy constructed Thing!
Move constructed Thing!

PS:我用 C++11 和 14 标记了这个问题,因为在使用找到的常用 make_unique 函数将 C++11 标志传递给 gcc 时会发生同样的问题这里 (make_unique and perfect forwarding)

我认为使用 make_unique 时的额外移动是由于 移动省略 Event(std::bind(lambda,thing)).

被调用的Event的构造函数是Event(function<void()> && f),所以必须创建一个临时的function<void()>。此临时文件使用 std::bind 表达式的 return 值进行初始化。

用于执行此从 std::bind 的 return 类型到 std::function<void()> 类型的转换的构造函数采用参数 by value:

template<class F> function(F f); // ctor

这意味着我们必须将std::bind的return值移动到function<void()>的构造函数的这个参数f。但是该移动符合 移动省略.

当我们通过 make_unique 传递临时文件时,它已绑定到一个引用,可能不再应用移动省略。如果我们因此抑制移动省略:

std::cout << "with unique_ptr, no make_unique\n";
unique_ptr<Event> ev_p(new Event(suppress_elision(std::bind(lambda,thing))));
std::cout << "\n";

std::cout << "with make_unique: \n";
auto ev_ptr = make_unique<Event>(suppress_elision(std::bind(lambda,thing)));
std::cout << "\n";


我们可以观察到相同的步数:Live example


对于new Event(std::bind(lambda,thing))

operation                                             | behaviour 
`thing` variable        ->  `bind` temporary          | copies
`bind` temporary        ->  `function` ctor param     | moves (*)
`function` ctor param   ->  `function` object (temp)  | moves
`function` temporary    ->  `Event` ctor ref param    | -
`Event` ctor ref param  ->  `function` data member    | *can* move (+)

(+) 但没有,可能是因为内部函数对象在堆上,并且只移动了一个指针。 Verify by replacing m_f(std::move(f)) with m_f().


operation                                               | behaviour 
`thing` variable         ->  `bind` temporary           | copies
`bind` temporary         ->  `make_unique` ref param    | -
`make_unique` ref param  ->  `function` ctor param      | moves
`function` ctor param    ->  `function` object (temp)   | moves
`function` temporary     ->  `Event` ctor ref param     | -
`Event` ctor ref param   ->  `function` data member     | *can* move (+)