sql 创建 table 条件是 2 列不能有相同的值

sql create table with condition that 2 columns cannot have equal values

如何在 create table 语句中编写条件来说明 2 列不能相等?

CREATE table Example(
    sendId integer,
    recieveId integer,
    **!sendId cannot equal recieveId**


您将使用 check 约束:

create table Example (
    sendId integer,
    receiveId integer,
    constraint chk_example_sendId_receiveId check (sendId <> receiveId)


CREATE table Example(
    sendId integer,
    recieveId integer,
    constraint not_equal check (sendid <> recieveId)


CREATE table Example(
    sendId integer,
    recieveId integer,
    constraint not_equal check (coalesce(sendid,0) <> coalesce(recieveId,0))

NULL 视为 0 也许使用一个永远不会出现的不同值可能更合适。

根据您的 DBMS 产品,您还可以使用标准运算符 is distinct from

constraint not_equal check (sendid is distinct from receiveid)

您需要 check 约束条件:

constraint chk_sendId_receiveId check (sendId <> receiveId)