jest.mock() 不模拟 Babel 7 和 React-Native 0.56 中的模块

jest.mock() not mocking module in Babel 7 and React-Native 0.56

像许多其他人一样,我正在尝试将我的 RN 应用程序升级到 React-Native 0.56,Babel 让一切变得如此简单! (这里不是讽刺)我可以更新 RN,React 到最新版本并使我的应用程序编译和工作,但是测试(开玩笑)不再工作了。


meeting actions › creates CLEAR_CURRENT_ATTACHMENTS when clearning current attachments

TypeError: eventActions.refreshEvents.mockImplementation is not a function

  90 |
  91 |   beforeEach(() => {
> 92 |     eventActions.refreshEvents.mockImplementation(() => ({ type: DUMMY_TYPE }));
     |                                ^
  93 |     MockDate.set(A_DATE);
  94 |     store = mockStore({
  95 |       authentication: {

  at Object.<anonymous> (src/calendar/actions/__tests__/meetingActions-test.js:92:32)


import moment from 'moment';
import MockDate from 'mockdate';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import getToken from 'authentication/selectors/tokenSelector';
import * as actions from '../meetingActions';
import * as eventActions from '../eventActions';
import { getPlannerComments } from '../../selectors/scheduleModificationSelectors';

const {
} = actions;


const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);

describe('meeting actions', () => {
  const A_TOKEN = 'token12345';
  const AN_ID = 'h1234';
  const A_DATE = moment('2016-08-22T21:00:00.000Z');
  const AN_MEETING_EVENT = {
    start: A_DATE,
    end: A_DATE,
    guests: [],
    newGuests: [],
    newAttachments: [],
    contactsToAddToGuestList: [],
    groupsToAddToGuestList: [],
    listsToAddToGuestList: [],
  const AN_ACCOUNT = { id: AN_ID };
  const DUMMY_TYPE = 'Dummy type';
  const PLANNER_COMMENTS = {};
  let store;

  beforeEach(() => {
    eventActions.refreshEvents.mockImplementation(() => ({ type: DUMMY_TYPE }));
    store = mockStore({
      authentication: {
        token: A_TOKEN,
      session: {
        account: AN_ACCOUNT,
      meeting: AN_MEETING_EVENT,
      event: {
        attendees: [],
    getToken.mockImplementation(() => A_TOKEN);
    getPlannerComments.mockImplementation(() => PLANNER_COMMENTS);

  it('creates CLEAR_CURRENT_ATTACHMENTS when clearing current info', () =>
      .then(() => {
        expect(store.getActions()).toContainEqual({ type: CLEAR_CURRENT_ATTACHMENTS });

  afterEach(() => {

我有超过 800 个测试因为这个错误而失败。根据我对问题的理解,它来自 jest.mock

jest.mock('../domain/Attachment') // For example

实际上并不是在嘲笑class。所以附件看起来像正常的 class。因此,函数的 mockImplementation 会导致 undefined is not a function

{ [Function: Record]
  iconOf: [Function: iconOf],
  iconColorOf: [Function: iconColorOf],
  getCleanName: [Function: getCleanName],
  open: [Function: _callee2],
  parse: [Function: parse] }


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    "test": "jest",
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    "test:watch": "npm run test -- --watch",
    "lint": "eslint src --max-warnings=0",
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请注意,就像 Jest、Babel 和 React-Native GitHubs 中的多个问题一样,我有转换。

"transform": {
   "^.+\.js$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/react-native/jest/preprocessor.js"


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        "root": ["./src"],
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如果您查看示例 here,您会发现 mockImplementation 只能在 jest.fn() 对象上调用。在您的情况下,您需要先模拟 refreshEvents 然后在该模拟上调用 mockImplementation

eventActions.refreshEvents = jest.fn();
eventActions.refreshEvents.mockImplementation(() => ({ type: DUMMY_TYPE }));

如果您想保留您发布的代码,那么您必须在您的模拟模块旁边创建一个子目录 __mock__,并创建一个模拟该模块中函数的文件在该子目录中,如 here.



jest.mock 调用会使用 babel-jest 转换器自动提升到文件顶部,这正是您所需要的。请注意,您已经在使用 jest 转换器。来自 docs:

If you are using the babel-jest transformer and want to use an additional code preprocessor, keep in mind that when "transform" is overwritten in any way the babel-jest is not loaded automatically anymore. If you want to use it to compile JavaScript code it has to be explicitly defined.

这意味着您必须在 package.json 的 jest 配置中明确包含 babel-jest 转换。那应该可以解决问题。