Gojs PanelExpanderButton 自定义图标

Gojs PanelExpanderButton custom icon

在Gojs中,是否可以自定义图标?就我而言,我想使用 SVG/PNG 图像作为 PanelExpanderButton 图标。

go.GraphObject.defineBuilder("PanelExpanderButton", function(args) {
      var eltname = /** @type {string} */ (go.GraphObject.takeBuilderArgument(args, "COLLAPSIBLE"));

      var button = /** @type {Panel} */ (
          { // set these values for the visible binding conversion
            "_buttonExpandedFigure": $(go.Picture, {
                // desiredSize: new go.Size(10, 10),
                source: "assets/images/expand.png"
            "_buttonCollapsedFigure": $(go.Picture, {
                // desiredSize: new go.Size(10, 10),
                source: "assets/images/collapse.png"
          $(go.Picture, { source: "assets/images/expand.png", desiredSize: new go.Size(10, 10) },
            new go.Binding("figure", "visible", function(vis) { return vis ? button["_buttonExpandedFigure"] : button["_buttonCollapsedFigure"]; })

      var border = button.findObject("ButtonBorder");
      if (border instanceof go.Shape) {
        border.stroke = null;
        border.fill = "transparent";

      button.click = function(e, button) {
        var diagram = button.diagram;
        if (diagram === null) return;
        if (diagram.isReadOnly) return;
        var elt = button.findTemplateBinder();
        if (elt === null) elt = button.part;
        if (elt !== null) {
          var pan = elt.findObject(eltname);
          if (pan !== null) {
            diagram.startTransaction('Collapse/Expand Panel');
            pan.visible = !pan.visible;
            diagram.commitTransaction('Collapse/Expand Panel');

      return button;

当面板 expanded/collapsed




"Figures" 必须是 Shape.defineFigureGenerator 定义的名称之一,包括库中预定义的所有图形名称。所以你不能那样使用 Picture

但您可以复制和改编 "PanelExpanderButton" 的定义,该定义在 https://gojs.net/latest/extensions/Buttons.js. That way you can size it and provide arbitrary Shapes for its states. If you want to use SVG, please be aware of platform-specific limitations: https://gojs.net/latest/intro/pictures.html#UsingSVGAsPictureSource
