将构造对象的方法传递给 JavaScript 中的函数

Passing method of a constructed object to a function in JavaScript



  return this.anotherService.get1(start, end);
  TypeError: Cannot read property 'anotherService' of undefined

我如何重写代码,使 getTransactions 成为执行作为参数传递的不同方法的通用辅助函数?

class Service {
  constructor(arg1) {
    this.anotherService= new AnotherService(arg1);

  getMethod1(start, end) {
    return this.anotherService.get1(start, end);

  getMethod2(start, end) {
    return this.anotherService.get2(start, end);

function getTransaction1(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  let service = new Service(arg1);
  getTransactions(arg2, arg3, service.getMethod1);

function getTransaction2(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  let service = new Service(arg1);
  getTransactions(arg2, arg3, service.getMethod2);

function getTransactions(arg2, arg3, func) {
  let start = ......;
  let end = ........;
  func(start, end).then(data => {

您可以使用 Function#bind 来处理:

function getTransaction1(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  let service = new Service(arg1);
  getTransactions(arg2, arg3, service.getMethod1.bind(service));
  // -------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

function getTransaction2(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  let service = new Service(arg1);
  getTransactions(arg2, arg3, service.getMethod2.bind(service));
  // -------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Function#bind returns 一个新函数,当被调用时,将调用原始函数 this 设置为您传递给 bind 的对象。 (您还可以将其他参数传递给 bind,但这与此处无关。)

或者,当然,您可以在构造函数中使用粗箭头函数创建 getMethod1getMethod2,这会获得词法 this 绑定:

class Service {
  constructor(arg1) {
    this.anotherService= new AnotherService(arg1);
    this.getMethod1 = (start, end) => {
        return this.anotherService.get1(start, end);
    this.getMethod2 = (start, end) => {
        return this.anotherService.get2(start, end);

...在这种情况下,您根本不必更改 getTransaction1getTransaction2

旁注:函数 声明(您在 getTransaction1getTransaction2 中使用的)不是语句,因此它们不是以分号结束。