中生成的 NightwatchJS 代码无法在 Nightwatch NPM 测试框架中运行
NightwatchJS code generated in not working in Nightwatch NPM test framework
我使用 chrome 扩展来记录和自动化一个简单的测试去 google ,输入一个搜索。该测试使用 Snaptest chrome 扩展很好地自动化,并且在代码部分生成了 NightwatchJS 代码。
然而,当我在 Nightwatch NPM 框架中将它用作 homepage.js 文件时,此 NightwatchJS 代码不起作用。
这是在 Snaptest chrome extension 中生成的代码。
const TIMEOUT = 10000;
const random = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
const random1 = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
const random2 = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
const random3 = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
module.exports = {
"Unnamed test": function(browser) {
var baseUrl = browser.launchUrl || ``;
.url(`${baseUrl}/`, 1366, 662, `Load page...`)
.changeInput(`#lst-ib`, `CSS`, `cypress`, `Change input`)
.click(`.tsf-p`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.click(`[name=btnK]`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.pathIs(`/search`, `Path is...`)
.click(`div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-of-type(2) > div > div > h3 > a`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.pathIs(`/`, `Path is...`)
.click(`ul > :nth-child(3) .header-left-nav-link`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.pathIs(`/dashboard/`, `Path is...`)
* Components
function bindComponents(browser) {
browser.components = {};
* Auto-Generated helper code
function bindHelpers(browser) {
var oldUrl = browser.url;
var oldBack = browser.back;
var oldForward = browser.forward;
var oldRefresh = browser.refresh;
const POLLING_RATE = 1000;
var snptGetElement =
`(function() {
var w = window, d = w.document;
function xp(x) { var r = d.evaluate(x, d.children[0], null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); return r.snapshotItem(0) };
return w["snptGetElement"] = function(s, t) {
try {
return t === "XPATH" ? xp(s) :
t === "ID" ? d.querySelector("#" + s) :
t === "ATTR" ? d.querySelector("[" + s + "]") :
t === "NAME" ? d.querySelector("[name=\"" + s + "\"]") :
t === "TEXT" ? xp("//*[contains(text(), '" + s + "')]")
: d.querySelector(s); }
catch(e) {
return null
function prepStringFuncForExecute(funcToExecute) {
return 'var passedArgs =,0); return ' + funcToExecute + '.apply(window, passedArgs);';
function stringFormat(string) {
var replacers =, 1)
replacers.forEach((replacer) => {
string = string.replace("%s", replacer);
return string;
function noop() {};
browser.url = function(pathname, width, height, description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.resizeWindow(width, height);
return this;
browser.back = function(description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
return this;
browser.refresh = function(description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
return this;
browser.forward = function(description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
return this;
browser.pathIs = function(pathname, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat(" (Path matches '%s')", pathname);
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkForPageLoadWithPathname(pathname) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function() {
return {
pathname: window.location.pathname,
readyState: document.readyState
}`), [], function(result) {
if (result.value.readyState === "complete" && (pathname instanceof RegExp ? pathname.test(result.value.pathname) : result.value.pathname === pathname)) {
this.assert.ok(true, description + techDescription)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
this.assert.ok(false, description + techDescription)
} else {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function() {
window.alert = function() {};
window.confirm = function() {
return true;
}`), []);
return this;
browser.executeScript = function(description, script) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.execute(script, [], function(result) {
if (result) {
browser.assert.ok(result, description)
return this;
browser.switchToWindow = function(windowIndex, description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.windowHandles(function(result) {
return this;
browser.scrollWindow = function(x, y, description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(x, y) {
window.scrollTo(x, y);
}`), [x, y], function(result) {});
return this;
browser.scrollElement = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", x, y, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Scrolling element at '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, x, y) {
(function(el, x, y) {
el.scrollLeft = x;
el.scrollTop = y;
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType), x, y);
}`), [selector, selectorType, x, y], function(result) {});
return this;
browser.scrollWindowToElement = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Scrolling window to el '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, value) {
(function(el) {
if (el) {
var elsScrollY = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY - el.offsetHeight;
window.scrollTo(0, elsScrollY);
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType), value);
}`), [selector, selectorType]);
return this;
}; = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Click '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element to click. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(element) {
function triggerMouseEvent(node, eventType) {
var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
clickEvent.initEvent(eventType, true, true);
triggerMouseEvent(element, "mouseover");
triggerMouseEvent(element, "mousedown");
triggerMouseEvent(element, "mouseup");
triggerMouseEvent(element, "click");
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.changeInput = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", value, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Change input '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, value) {
(function(el) {
function triggerKeyEvent(node, eventType) {
var keydownEvent = document.createEvent( 'KeyboardEvent' );
keydownEvent.initEvent( eventType, true, false, null, 0, false, 0, false, 66, 0 );
node.dispatchEvent( keydownEvent );
if (el) {
triggerKeyEvent(el, "keydown");
el.value = value;
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true}));
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {bubbles: true}));
triggerKeyEvent(el, "keyup");
triggerKeyEvent(el, "keypress");
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType), value);
}`), [selector, selectorType, value], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.elStyleIs = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", style, value, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Style is '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", value, selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforStyle(selector, selectorType, style, value) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, style) {
var el = snptGetElement(selector, selectorType);
return window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(style);
}`), [selector, selectorType, style], function(result) {
if (value instanceof RegExp ? value.test(result.value) : value === result.value) {
this.assert.ok(true, description + techDescription)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
this.assert.ok(false, description + techDescription)
} else {
console.log("Attempt %s: Actual %s, Expected %s", currentAttempt, result.value, value)
checkforStyle(selector, selectorType, style, value);
checkforStyle(selector, selectorType, style, value);
return this;
browser.inputValueAssert = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", value, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Assert value '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", value, selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforValue(selector, selectorType, value) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
var el = snptGetElement(selector, selectorType);
if (el) {
if (el.type === 'checkbox' || el.type === 'radio') {
return el.checked ? "true" : "false";
} else {
return el.value;
} else return null;
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (value instanceof RegExp ? value.test(result.value) : value === result.value) {
this.assert.ok(true, description)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
this.assert.ok(false, description)
} else {
checkforValue(selector, selectorType, value);
checkforValue(selector, selectorType, value);
return this;
browser.elementPresent = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Element exists' at '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("'%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
}, () => {
browser.assert.ok(true, stringFormat("'%s' - %s", description, techDescription));
return this;
browser._elementPresent = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout, onFail = noop, onSuccess = noop) {
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforEl(selector) {
prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
return !!snptGetElement(selector, selectorType);
}`), [selector, selectorType],
function(result) {
if (!result.value && currentAttempt < attempts) {
} else if (!result.value) {
} else {
return this;
browser.elementNotPresent = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.waitForElementNotPresent(selector, timeout || TIMEOUT);
return this;
browser.focusOnEl = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Focus '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", value, selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(el) {
var event = new FocusEvent('focus');
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.formSubmit = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Form Submit at '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(el) {
var event = new Event('submit');
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.blurOffEl = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(blur '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(el) {
var event = new FocusEvent('blur');
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser._getElText = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", onSuccess = noop) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
return (function(element) {
if (!element) return null;
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; ++i)
if (element.childNodes[i].nodeType === 3)
if (element.childNodes[i].textContent)
text += element.childNodes[i].textContent;
text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "");
return text.trim();
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
return this;
browser.elTextIs = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", assertText, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Assert text matches '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", assertText.toString(), selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforText(selector, selectorType, assertText) {
browser._getElText(selector, selectorType, function(elsText) {
if (assertText instanceof RegExp ? assertText.test(elsText) : assertText === elsText) {
browser.assert.ok(true, description)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
browser.assert.ok(false, description)
} else {
checkforText(selector, selectorType, assertText);
checkforText(selector, selectorType, assertText);
return this;
function comment(description) {
if (description) {
在cmd中使用nightwatch命令运行时显示错误 :
Starting selenium server... started - PID: 876
[Homepage] Test Suite
Running: Unnamed test
Load page...
× Failed [ok]: (FAILED: 'Change input' - Couldn't find element. (Change input '#lst-ib' using 'CSS')) - expected "true" but got: "false"
at browser._elementPresent (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:279:22)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:426:13)
FAILED: 1 assertions failed (22.431s)
TEST FAILURE: 1 assertions failed, 0 passed. (22.547s)
× homepage
- Unnamed test (22.431s)
Failed [ok]: (FAILED: 'Change input' - Couldn't find element. (Change input '#lst-ib' using 'CSS')) - expected "true" but got: "false"
at browser._elementPresent (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:279:22)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:426:13)
这不是可以在 Nightwatch 测试框架中部署的正确格式吗??它是我缺少的语法 problem/error 吗?
我希望在 Snaptest 中生成的测试代码能够在 NightwatchJS NPM 测试框架中运行。
我使用 selenium 独立服务器 3.9.0 和 chromewebdriver 。
我尝试了这个并且它起作用了 -
我使用 chrome 扩展来记录和自动化一个简单的测试去 google ,输入一个搜索。该测试使用 Snaptest chrome 扩展很好地自动化,并且在代码部分生成了 NightwatchJS 代码。
然而,当我在 Nightwatch NPM 框架中将它用作 homepage.js 文件时,此 NightwatchJS 代码不起作用。
这是在 Snaptest chrome extension 中生成的代码。
const TIMEOUT = 10000;
const random = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
const random1 = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
const random2 = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
const random3 = "" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000);
module.exports = {
"Unnamed test": function(browser) {
var baseUrl = browser.launchUrl || ``;
.url(`${baseUrl}/`, 1366, 662, `Load page...`)
.changeInput(`#lst-ib`, `CSS`, `cypress`, `Change input`)
.click(`.tsf-p`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.click(`[name=btnK]`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.pathIs(`/search`, `Path is...`)
.click(`div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-of-type(2) > div > div > h3 > a`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.pathIs(`/`, `Path is...`)
.click(`ul > :nth-child(3) .header-left-nav-link`, `CSS`, `Click element`)
.pathIs(`/dashboard/`, `Path is...`)
* Components
function bindComponents(browser) {
browser.components = {};
* Auto-Generated helper code
function bindHelpers(browser) {
var oldUrl = browser.url;
var oldBack = browser.back;
var oldForward = browser.forward;
var oldRefresh = browser.refresh;
const POLLING_RATE = 1000;
var snptGetElement =
`(function() {
var w = window, d = w.document;
function xp(x) { var r = d.evaluate(x, d.children[0], null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); return r.snapshotItem(0) };
return w["snptGetElement"] = function(s, t) {
try {
return t === "XPATH" ? xp(s) :
t === "ID" ? d.querySelector("#" + s) :
t === "ATTR" ? d.querySelector("[" + s + "]") :
t === "NAME" ? d.querySelector("[name=\"" + s + "\"]") :
t === "TEXT" ? xp("//*[contains(text(), '" + s + "')]")
: d.querySelector(s); }
catch(e) {
return null
function prepStringFuncForExecute(funcToExecute) {
return 'var passedArgs =,0); return ' + funcToExecute + '.apply(window, passedArgs);';
function stringFormat(string) {
var replacers =, 1)
replacers.forEach((replacer) => {
string = string.replace("%s", replacer);
return string;
function noop() {};
browser.url = function(pathname, width, height, description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.resizeWindow(width, height);
return this;
browser.back = function(description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
return this;
browser.refresh = function(description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
return this;
browser.forward = function(description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
return this;
browser.pathIs = function(pathname, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat(" (Path matches '%s')", pathname);
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkForPageLoadWithPathname(pathname) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function() {
return {
pathname: window.location.pathname,
readyState: document.readyState
}`), [], function(result) {
if (result.value.readyState === "complete" && (pathname instanceof RegExp ? pathname.test(result.value.pathname) : result.value.pathname === pathname)) {
this.assert.ok(true, description + techDescription)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
this.assert.ok(false, description + techDescription)
} else {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function() {
window.alert = function() {};
window.confirm = function() {
return true;
}`), []);
return this;
browser.executeScript = function(description, script) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.execute(script, [], function(result) {
if (result) {
browser.assert.ok(result, description)
return this;
browser.switchToWindow = function(windowIndex, description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.windowHandles(function(result) {
return this;
browser.scrollWindow = function(x, y, description) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(x, y) {
window.scrollTo(x, y);
}`), [x, y], function(result) {});
return this;
browser.scrollElement = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", x, y, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Scrolling element at '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, x, y) {
(function(el, x, y) {
el.scrollLeft = x;
el.scrollTop = y;
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType), x, y);
}`), [selector, selectorType, x, y], function(result) {});
return this;
browser.scrollWindowToElement = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Scrolling window to el '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, value) {
(function(el) {
if (el) {
var elsScrollY = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY - el.offsetHeight;
window.scrollTo(0, elsScrollY);
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType), value);
}`), [selector, selectorType]);
return this;
}; = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Click '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element to click. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(element) {
function triggerMouseEvent(node, eventType) {
var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
clickEvent.initEvent(eventType, true, true);
triggerMouseEvent(element, "mouseover");
triggerMouseEvent(element, "mousedown");
triggerMouseEvent(element, "mouseup");
triggerMouseEvent(element, "click");
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.changeInput = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", value, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Change input '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, value) {
(function(el) {
function triggerKeyEvent(node, eventType) {
var keydownEvent = document.createEvent( 'KeyboardEvent' );
keydownEvent.initEvent( eventType, true, false, null, 0, false, 0, false, 66, 0 );
node.dispatchEvent( keydownEvent );
if (el) {
triggerKeyEvent(el, "keydown");
el.value = value;
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true}));
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {bubbles: true}));
triggerKeyEvent(el, "keyup");
triggerKeyEvent(el, "keypress");
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType), value);
}`), [selector, selectorType, value], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.elStyleIs = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", style, value, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Style is '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", value, selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforStyle(selector, selectorType, style, value) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType, style) {
var el = snptGetElement(selector, selectorType);
return window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(style);
}`), [selector, selectorType, style], function(result) {
if (value instanceof RegExp ? value.test(result.value) : value === result.value) {
this.assert.ok(true, description + techDescription)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
this.assert.ok(false, description + techDescription)
} else {
console.log("Attempt %s: Actual %s, Expected %s", currentAttempt, result.value, value)
checkforStyle(selector, selectorType, style, value);
checkforStyle(selector, selectorType, style, value);
return this;
browser.inputValueAssert = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", value, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Assert value '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", value, selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforValue(selector, selectorType, value) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
var el = snptGetElement(selector, selectorType);
if (el) {
if (el.type === 'checkbox' || el.type === 'radio') {
return el.checked ? "true" : "false";
} else {
return el.value;
} else return null;
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (value instanceof RegExp ? value.test(result.value) : value === result.value) {
this.assert.ok(true, description)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
this.assert.ok(false, description)
} else {
checkforValue(selector, selectorType, value);
checkforValue(selector, selectorType, value);
return this;
browser.elementPresent = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Element exists' at '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("'%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
}, () => {
browser.assert.ok(true, stringFormat("'%s' - %s", description, techDescription));
return this;
browser._elementPresent = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout, onFail = noop, onSuccess = noop) {
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforEl(selector) {
prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
return !!snptGetElement(selector, selectorType);
}`), [selector, selectorType],
function(result) {
if (!result.value && currentAttempt < attempts) {
} else if (!result.value) {
} else {
return this;
browser.elementNotPresent = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
browser.perform(() => comment(description));
browser.waitForElementNotPresent(selector, timeout || TIMEOUT);
return this;
browser.focusOnEl = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Focus '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", value, selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(el) {
var event = new FocusEvent('focus');
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.formSubmit = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Form Submit at '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(el) {
var event = new Event('submit');
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser.blurOffEl = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(blur '%s' using '%s')", selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
(function(el) {
var event = new FocusEvent('blur');
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
if (result.state === "success") {
this.assert.ok(description + "; " + techDescription);
return this;
browser._getElText = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", onSuccess = noop) {
browser.execute(prepStringFuncForExecute(`function(selector, selectorType) {
return (function(element) {
if (!element) return null;
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; ++i)
if (element.childNodes[i].nodeType === 3)
if (element.childNodes[i].textContent)
text += element.childNodes[i].textContent;
text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "");
return text.trim();
})(snptGetElement(selector, selectorType));
}`), [selector, selectorType], function(result) {
return this;
browser.elTextIs = function(selector, selectorType = "CSS", assertText, description, timeout) {
var techDescription = stringFormat("(Assert text matches '%s' at '%s' using '%s')", assertText.toString(), selector, selectorType);
browser._elementPresent(selector, selectorType, null, timeout, () => {
browser.assert.ok(false, stringFormat("FAILED: '%s' - Couldn't find element. %s", description, techDescription));
var attempts = parseInt((timeout || TIMEOUT) / POLLING_RATE);
var currentAttempt = 0;
function checkforText(selector, selectorType, assertText) {
browser._getElText(selector, selectorType, function(elsText) {
if (assertText instanceof RegExp ? assertText.test(elsText) : assertText === elsText) {
browser.assert.ok(true, description)
} else if (currentAttempt === attempts) {
browser.assert.ok(false, description)
} else {
checkforText(selector, selectorType, assertText);
checkforText(selector, selectorType, assertText);
return this;
function comment(description) {
if (description) {
在cmd中使用nightwatch命令运行时显示错误 :
Starting selenium server... started - PID: 876
[Homepage] Test Suite
Running: Unnamed test
Load page...
× Failed [ok]: (FAILED: 'Change input' - Couldn't find element. (Change input '#lst-ib' using 'CSS')) - expected "true" but got: "false"
at browser._elementPresent (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:279:22)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:426:13)
FAILED: 1 assertions failed (22.431s)
TEST FAILURE: 1 assertions failed, 0 passed. (22.547s)
× homepage
- Unnamed test (22.431s)
Failed [ok]: (FAILED: 'Change input' - Couldn't find element. (Change input '#lst-ib' using 'CSS')) - expected "true" but got: "false"
at browser._elementPresent (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:279:22)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\NightwatchJS\tests\homepage.js:426:13)
这不是可以在 Nightwatch 测试框架中部署的正确格式吗??它是我缺少的语法 problem/error 吗?
我希望在 Snaptest 中生成的测试代码能够在 NightwatchJS NPM 测试框架中运行。
我使用 selenium 独立服务器 3.9.0 和 chromewebdriver 。
我尝试了这个并且它起作用了 -