我怎样才能让 `react-scripts build` 安静下来?

How can I make `react-scripts build` quiet?

我正在使用一个 repo,其中包含许多使用 create-react-app 创建的 Node 包,所有这些包都是由 CI 系统构建和测试的。每个包的 build/test,完成 react-scripts build 后跟 react-scripts test --silent,目前正在生成超过 20 行的输出,导致构建日志包含超过 100 行 material,例如"File sizes after gzip" 和 "Find out more about deployment here." 这使得在该日志中更难看到错误消息、警告或其他问题。


react-scripts buildreact-scripts 包中运行 bin/react-scripts.js,基本上只从同一个包中运行 scripts/build.js

可悲的是,build.js 脚本(从 2018 年 10 月 15 日起)被硬编码为调用 printFileSizesAfterBuild()printHostingInstructions() 等函数,没有任何选项禁用这些。所以目前没有办法改变这个,除了复制build.js,修改它不打印你不想要的东西,而是使用它。

来自@LukasGjetting 的拉取请求 PR #5429 向构建脚本添加 --silent 选项。由于缺乏活动,它已经关闭,create-react-app 开发人员在其他地方已经非常清楚地表明他们不打算使 react-scripts 非常可配置;他们建议的解决方案是使用您自己的 build.js 脚本。

我不由自主地想到了 chalk。至少您可以对响应进行颜色编码。听起来您正在使用的应用程序尚未(尚未)弹出。只有在弹出应用程序时,您才能修改 create-react-app 个基础文件。不幸的是,一旦弹出,您将无法逆转效果。 Lmk 如果有帮助

如果您从应用程序根目录中的 /node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/build.js 复制 build.js 脚本,请使路径相对于 const basepath = __dirname+'/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/' 并删除不必要的日志。 将 package.json 脚本构建调整为:node build 而且你有一个非常安静的 React 应用构建 :)


// @remove-on-eject-begin
 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// @remove-on-eject-end
'use strict';

// Do this as the first thing so that any code reading it knows the right env.
process.env.BABEL_ENV = 'production';
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
const basepath = __dirname + '/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/';
// Makes the script crash on unhandled rejections instead of silently
// ignoring them. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will
// terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
process.on('unhandledRejection', err => {
  throw err;

// Ensure environment variables are read.
require(basepath + '../config/env');
// @remove-on-eject-begin
// Do the preflight checks (only happens before eject).
const verifyPackageTree = require(basepath + 'utils/verifyPackageTree');
if (process.env.SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK !== 'true') {
const verifyTypeScriptSetup = require(basepath + 'utils/verifyTypeScriptSetup');
// @remove-on-eject-end

const path = require('path');
const chalk = require('react-dev-utils/chalk');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const configFactory = require(basepath + '../config/webpack.config');
const paths = require(basepath + '../config/paths');
const checkRequiredFiles = require('react-dev-utils/checkRequiredFiles');
const formatWebpackMessages = require('react-dev-utils/formatWebpackMessages');
const printHostingInstructions = require('react-dev-utils/printHostingInstructions');
const FileSizeReporter = require('react-dev-utils/FileSizeReporter');
const printBuildError = require('react-dev-utils/printBuildError');

const measureFileSizesBeforeBuild =
const printFileSizesAfterBuild = FileSizeReporter.printFileSizesAfterBuild;
const useYarn = fs.existsSync(paths.yarnLockFile);

// These sizes are pretty large. We'll warn for bundles exceeding them.
const WARN_AFTER_BUNDLE_GZIP_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
const WARN_AFTER_CHUNK_GZIP_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;

const isInteractive = process.stdout.isTTY;

// Warn and crash if required files are missing
if (!checkRequiredFiles([paths.appHtml, paths.appIndexJs])) {

// Generate configuration
const config = configFactory('production');

// We require that you explicitly set browsers and do not fall back to
// browserslist defaults.
const {
} = require('react-dev-utils/browsersHelper');
checkBrowsers(paths.appPath, isInteractive)
  .then(() => {
    // First, read the current file sizes in build directory.
    // This lets us display how much they changed later.
    return measureFileSizesBeforeBuild(paths.appBuild);
  .then(previousFileSizes => {
    // Remove all content but keep the directory so that
    // if you're in it, you don't end up in Trash
    // Merge with the public folder
    // Start the webpack build
    return build(previousFileSizes);
    }) => {
      // if (warnings.length) {
      //   console.log(chalk.yellow('Compiled with warnings.\n'));
      //   console.log(warnings.join('\n\n'));
      //   console.log(
      //     '\nSearch for the ' +
      //       chalk.underline(chalk.yellow('keywords')) +
      //       ' to learn more about each warning.'
      //   );
      //   console.log(
      //     'To ignore, add ' +
      //       chalk.cyan('// eslint-disable-next-line') +
      //       ' to the line before.\n'
      //   );
      // } else {
      //   console.log(chalk.green('Compiled successfully.\n'));
      // }
      // console.log('File sizes after gzip:\n');
      // printFileSizesAfterBuild(
      //   stats,
      //   previousFileSizes,
      //   paths.appBuild,
      // );
      // console.log();
      console.log(chalk.green('Compiled successfully.\n'));

      const appPackage = require(paths.appPackageJson);
      const publicUrl = paths.publicUrlOrPath;
      const publicPath = config.output.publicPath;
      const buildFolder = path.relative(process.cwd(), paths.appBuild);
      // printHostingInstructions(
      //   appPackage,
      //   publicUrl,
      //   publicPath,
      //   buildFolder,
      //   useYarn
      // );
    err => {
      const tscCompileOnError = process.env.TSC_COMPILE_ON_ERROR === 'true';
      if (tscCompileOnError) {
            'Compiled with the following type errors (you may want to check these before deploying your app):\n'
      } else {
        console.log(chalk.red('Failed to compile.\n'));
  .catch(err => {
    if (err && err.message) {

// Create the production build and print the deployment instructions.
function build(previousFileSizes) {
  // We used to support resolving modules according to `NODE_PATH`.
  // This now has been deprecated in favor of jsconfig/tsconfig.json
  // This lets you use absolute paths in imports inside large monorepos:
  if (process.env.NODE_PATH) {
        'Setting NODE_PATH to resolve modules absolutely has been deprecated in favor of setting baseUrl in jsconfig.json (or tsconfig.json if you are using TypeScript) and will be removed in a future major release of create-react-app.'

  const compiler = webpack(config);
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    compiler.run((err, stats) => {
      let messages;
      if (err) {
        if (!err.message) {
          return reject(err);

        let errMessage = err.message;

        // Add additional information for postcss errors
        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(err, 'postcssNode')) {
          errMessage +=
            '\nCompileError: Begins at CSS selector ' +

        messages = formatWebpackMessages({
          errors: [errMessage],
          warnings: [],
      } else {
        messages = formatWebpackMessages(
            all: false,
            warnings: true,
            errors: true
      if (messages.errors.length) {
        // Only keep the first error. Others are often indicative
        // of the same problem, but confuse the reader with noise.
        if (messages.errors.length > 1) {
          messages.errors.length = 1;
        return reject(new Error(messages.errors.join('\n\n')));
      if (
        process.env.CI &&
        (typeof process.env.CI !== 'string' ||
          process.env.CI.toLowerCase() !== 'false') &&
      ) {
            '\nTreating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true.\n' +
            'Most CI servers set it automatically.\n'
        return reject(new Error(messages.warnings.join('\n\n')));

      return resolve({
        warnings: messages.warnings,

function copyPublicFolder() {
  fs.copySync(paths.appPublic, paths.appBuild, {
    dereference: true,
    filter: file => file !== paths.appHtml,

和示例 package.json 脚本选项:

"scripts": {
  "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "node build"