当 Dapper 不是对象时,如何在 SQL 更新请求中正确声明变量?

How correctly declare variables in SQL update request with Dapper when it isn't an object?


public int UpdateOneColumn(string dbName, string tableName, string columnName, string newValue, string whereColumnName, string whereColumnNameValue)
    string sql = @"update @tableName set @columnName = @newValue where @whereColumnName = @whereColumnNameValue";

    return connection.Execute(sql, new {tableName, columnName, newValue, whereColumnName, whereColumnNameValue });    


tableName must be declared

有人知道如何正确声明我的变量 "tableName, columnName, newValue, whereColumnName and whereColumnNameValue" 吗?

这个函数正确吗? (我不确定我能做到 update @tableNamewhere @whereColumnName

public int UpdateOneColumn(string dbName, string tableName, string setColumn, object setValue, string whereColumn, object whereValue)
    string sql = $"UPDATE {tableName} SET {setColumn} = @s WHERE {whereColumn} = @w";
    return connection.Execute(sql, new { s = setValue, w = whereValue });    