Swift: 将一个对象数组和另一个对象数组保存到 NSUserDefaults 中

Swift: Save an Array of Objects with another Array of Objects inside into NSUserDefaults

我一直在努力完成我的第一个应用程序,但我正处于需要保存用户数据但无法保存的地步。我有一个对象数组,里面还有一个 "Questions" 对象数组:

struct Question {
    let question: String
    let answer: String

struct UserEntry {
    let date: String
    let questions: [Question]

let userEntry = [UserEntries(date: todayDate, questions: [Question(answer: mood), Question(question: q1Text, answer: q1Answer), Question(question: q2Text, answer: q2Answer)])]

但是,这会引发错误:无法将类型 'ThisViewController.Question' 的值转换为预期的元素类型 'UserEntries.Question'。在另一个堆栈答案之后也为其创建了一个 class:

class UserEntries: NSObject, NSCoding {
struct Question {
    var question: String
    var answer: String

var date: String
var questions: [Question]

init(date: String, questions: [Question]) {
    self.date = date
    self.questions = questions

required convenience init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    let date = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "date") as! String
    let question = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "questions")
    self.init(date: date, questions: question as! [UserEntries.Question])

func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
    aCoder.encode(date, forKey: "date")
    aCoder.encode(questions, forKey: "questions")


let encodedData: Data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: userEntry)
UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedData, forKey: "allEntries")


您的问题是您在两个地方创建了 Question 对象。


Cannot convert value of type 'ThisViewController.Question' to expected element type 'UserEntries.Question'.


struct Question {
    let question: String
    let answer: String

struct UserEntry {
    let date: String
    let questions: [Question]

let userEntry = [UserEntries(date: todayDate, questions: [Question(answer: mood), Question(question: q1Text, answer: q1Answer), Question(question: q2Text, answer: q2Answer)])]


class UserEntries: NSObject, NSCoding {
struct Question {
    var question: String
    var answer: String

所以...您在 ThisViewController 中定义了 Question,然后在 UserEntries class 中定义了另一个 Question

编译器告诉您它认为您使用的是 ThisViewController.Question,您不能将其添加到 UserEntries.Question,因为对于编译器来说它们是两个不同的东西。


当您将 QuestionUserEntry 逻辑移动到符合 NSCodingUserEntries class 中时,您不再需要它在 YourViewController 中也是如此。

所以,从你的 YourViewController 中删除 QuestionUserEntry 结构,这样你在 UserEntries 中只有一个 Question 并且事情应该(希望如此)再次工作。
